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Friday, January 17, 2014

Book Review by Nat F- George Orwell's "1984" and "Animal Farm"

In the year 1984 across the world, people flooded book stores in search of an old book they remembered that they had read in high school. The title of the book was Nineteen Eighty-Four and everyone thought it was so funny to see how wrongly George Orwell had predicted the way the world would be by that year. They laughed at the inaccuracies, and especially, they were glad to note that their government was nothing like the one in the book. Much like the characters of the book 1984, the people failed to see how the government had changed for the worst. The progression towards a world like that of the book is even worse now in 2014. Much like the “telescreens” that watch a person’s every movement in their life, the people of today are monitored through security cameras, the internet, and the new threat, the NSA. You won’t be killed in America for simply denouncing the country, but the America government can deem a person as a threat or a terrorist and throw that person in Guantanamo Bay if they don’t want them here. The Ministry of Love from the fictitious novel comes to life in Guantanamo Bay: people go in and never leave and no one is supposed to question the government about what happens. We have holidays and celebrations that make us forget the hardships of life like the ones in 1984. The more times you read Orwell’s book, the more connections you find. Some may claim that as a people, we are much too smart to let something like the events in 1984 happen, but perhaps the fact that we think we can’t be fooled is what the government uses to fool us.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Sophi City (1)

A Forbidden City
Imperial Beach is the name of the most southern beach in California, about three miles north of the border with Mexico. Approximately 40 miles into the ocean, on the north-west of Coronado islands, there is a small island of about 50 square miles, commonly referred to as “The Loony land”. Like most of the Pacific islands, it has tropical climate with unusual (as people in other islands would call it) vegetation. This island, once inhabited by natives (who totally vanished after an outbreak of an epidemic disease) belongs to the US government, and it is used to house certain deportees. Connection to this island is only by boat, and for those arriving here, it has so far been just a one-way route. Once a month, US Coastguard transports a fresh group of deportees to the island and returns with crews only, since no one can ever leave or escape from this island. Transportation of any kind, an automobile, a boat or an air transporter, is not available to inhabitants. The island has been growing in population in the past ten years and it is estimated to have reached a population of about 65,000 people, although no one knows the exact number. No census has ever been taken, nor is there any polling to gauge social and economic life of the people. There are roads and shops and factories and other buildings, but not any government establishment. In the absence of a local government, there is no need for administrative officials such as police force or tax collectors. Inhabitants of the island live in such a way that would not entice any outsider a desire to eye on their material possession, neither is any competition for wealth (or anything else for that matter) among the islanders. The island is encased with barbed-wires and surrounding water is patrolled by the US Coastguard 24/7. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

کاش همه مثل من فکر میکردن

اگه همه مثل من فکر میکردن چه دنیائی میشد. اشکال کار اینه که مردم خودشون نمیدونن چطوری فکر کنن که رهنمودِ آینده بهتری براشون بشه. اگه فکراشون‌رو روهم بزارن و دسته‌جمعی فکر کنن، (البته با طرز فکری که می‌خوام توضیح بدم) می‌تونن شرایط زندگیشون رو عوض کنن. امیدوارم که حمل بر خودخواهی من نشه! هیچ قصد ندارم که خودم را بالا ببرم و بقیه رو پائین، ولی‌ بعضیها خیلی‌ پَرت هستن! مثلا اونائی که طرفدار رژیم اسلامی هستن. فکر می‌کنین چند در صد مردم رو تشکیل میدن؟ خوب، این بستگی داره که چقدر طرفدار باشن. مثلا اونایی‌ که معمم هستن، حتما به نفعشونه که با رژیم اسلامی همکاری کنن. میدونم که رهبر طرفدار زیادی بین آخوندا نداره. ولی‌ اگه رژیم بیفته و یه رژیم مردمی سر کار بیاد فکر نمیکنید نون همه آخوندا آجر بشه؟ بنابراین دعوا سر قدرت گرفتن داخلِ رژیمه، و هیچکدوم از مخالفینِ معمم با عوض شدنِ رژیم به یه رژیمِ سکولار موافق نیستن، حتی اگه الآن تو حبس باشن. بنابراین، اونایی که میخوان رژیم عوض بشه باید تعداد موافق و مخالف را ارزیابی کنن و بعد برای بقیهِ توطئه براندازی برنامه ریزی کنن. از اونجایی که اطلاعاتِ آماری در مورد تعداد معممین، تعداد افراد نیروهای مسلح، تعداد وابستگان به رژیم، و اطلاعاتی‌ از این دست یا وجود نداره و یا افشا نمیشه، نمیتونیم به تعداد مشخصی‌ دسترسی پیدا کنیم. اما با صحبت با مردمِ توی کوچه و خیابون میشه به یه رقم تخمینی رسید. البته میدونیم که بعضی از مردم شخصیت یه  آفتاب پرست رو دارن! یعنی‌ با رنگِ محیط رنگ عوض می‌کنن؛ که البته گاهی‌ به دلیل منافع شخصیه، ولی‌ معمولا به خاطر همرنگ شدن با بقیه‌است. بنابراین میشه گفت که با یه برنامهِ پروپاگاندای قوی میشه اکثر مردم رو تو خیابون آورد.