اندیشمند بزرگترین احساسش عشق است و هر عملش با خرد

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


We use our advanced military power to enforce our conditions and demands on other countries. We either threaten them with our military might, or install a puppet government (again by using our arm power) to deplete natural resources of the land. After their economic base is destroyed, they rush to safety and migrate to richer lands; to ours. We treat them as second hand citizens and make them clean our refuse and eat our leftovers. But it can go on for so long before it bites us back, as in the case of Ferguson. The war between the prosperous minority, backed by the government, and the underprivileged majority will reach its boiling point during the next two years when the Right has the full control of the government. The following four articles from today’s news reflect this analysis. Passages are excerpts from the full article, links of which can be checked by clicking on the title of each article.