اندیشمند بزرگترین احساسش عشق است و هر عملش با خرد

Saturday, May 28, 2011


There are several definitions for “government” in Webster. The first definition in Merriam Webster is “authoritative direction or control”. According to the same source, the first known use of this word was in 14th century. Any government before this time was in the form of imperial kingdom, self-ruling and dictatorship. Therefore, a government in the new form is an evolution from dictatorship. When we break down the definition into authoritative and direction or control and examine each component, we may be able to establish how such authority with the power of direction or controls is formed. In a democracy, people vote their representatives into the government body. Since these elected officials represent their constituents, the mentioned power is in the hands of people. In another words, people grant such authority to their representatives to direct government offices and establish legislatures on their behalf. Each member of the government is representing a group of people who voted that member in. People elect their representatives based on their needs. Since every person has a different need, basic needs shared by everyone should be met through legislature and other governmental tools. In another words, the government should ensure meeting the minimum needs of every person within the boundaries of that government. Consequently, we should examine what those needs are which are shared by all people. Obviously, it includes the basic needs of every person who lives as member of a society, active, inactive, able to work, disabled, old, young, and in any race or religion or ethnicity.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

ابن سینا

حجت‌الحق شرف‌الملک شیخ‌الرئیس ابوعلی‌ حسین‌بن‌عبدالله ‌بن سینا مشهور به ابن سینا  یا ابوعلی‌ سینا حدود سالهای ۳۶۷ و ۳۸۰ هجری قمری در دهکده خرمیشن نزدیک بخارا به دنیا آمد. به پارسی‌ دری شعر میگفت و در مورد ماورائ‌الطبیعه ارسطوئی، و یا علم پیشین (بقول خودش)، و فلسفه تا سن ۱۸ سالگی مطالعه کرده بود. علاقه او ولیکن به علم زیرین (بقول خودش) یعنی‌ علم طب بود و در آن استاد شده بود. پدرش در بارگاه نوح بن منصور سامانی بود و او با معالجه امیر نوح سامانی از یک بیماری سخت درمان، به دربار او نزدیک شد. ابن سینا فرصتی یافت که از کتابخانه بزرگ این پادشاه برای گسترش مطالعه خود استفاده شایانی ببرد. مانند بسیاری از حکما و متفکرین زمان، تحصیل و ترویج دانش فقط در دربار پادشاهان امکان پذیر بود. به این ترتیب پس از افول دوران سامانیان به خوارزم رفت، و با افول دوران خوارزمشاهیان به شهر های مختلف در شرق ایران سفر کرد و مدتی‌ در گرگان اقامت گزید. ابن سینا به دلیل دانشی که داشت و هم چنین عقایدی که با نظریات سنتی‌ و تعصب آمیز نمیخواند، همواره دشمنانی در دربارهای پادشاهان میافت. با توجه به قدرت بسیار و اندیشه کمِ پادشاهان، احتمال گوشمالی ابن سینا در دربار هر پادشاهی امکان داشت. حسودان و سخن چینان همواره بر علیه او توطئه میکردند و او مجبور به مهاجرت میشد. بناچار پس از‌ زندگی‌ طولانی ‌در نواحی شرق ایران، به سمت غرب و به طرف همدان و سپس اصفهان روان شد. آخرین سفرش مهاجرت مجدد به همدان بود

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Left Out

Twenty first century started with a quick turn to the Right in political spectrum of the US, that has continued to date. We have witnessed changes due to the melt down of the economic system, and in a broader aspect, changes that are influenced by worldwide events. United States had enjoyed a rapid growth in the late 1940s and 1950s, thanks to the Second World War, followed by a couple of decades of somewhat stable economy. From early 1980, Trickle Down Economy as a part of Reganomics was introduced, a system that limited or aborted all governmental oversights that had been in place as a check and balance on business operations.