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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

British celebrities call on BBC to restore Gaza documentary

February 26, 2025
Hundreds put name to petition saying removal of documentary was based on 'racist assumptions' and dehumanisation of Palestinians
Gary Lineker, former England footballer turned sports TV presenter, gestures on stage with the Gerd Muller Trophy for best striker during the 2023 Ballon d'Or France Football award ceremony at the Theatre du Chatelet in Paris on October 30, 2023. FRANCK FIFE / AFP 
 Gary Lineker, as well as actors Juliet Stevenson and Miriam Margolyes, were among those demanding Gaza: How to Survive a Warzone be restored to BBC iPlayer (AFP)

Trump Threatened to Revoke Visas of Students Who Dissent. Where’s the Pushback?

February 26, 2025
Schuyler Mitchell
Universities that decried Trump’s “Muslim Ban” in 2017 are largely silent now as Trump bullies international students.
Protesters hold signs blasting Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids and advocating for immigrants as they gather outside of Los Angeles City Hall, on February 5, 2025, in Los Angeles, California. Qian Weizhong / VCG via Getty Images

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نخست باید این پیشگفتار را افزود که به دلیل هجوم واژه‌های عربی‌، فرانسه، و در این چند دههٔ اخیر انگلیسی‌، در این مقاله کوشش شده است که تا جا دارد از واژه‌های پارسی‌ کارگیری شود. چنان‌چه واژه‌ای به نظر ناآشنا بیاید، آن واژه‌ای که امروزه نهادینه شده، داخل دو ابرو () بازگو می‌شود.ا