اندیشمند بزرگترین احساسش عشق است و هر عملش با خرد

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Butcher of Gaza Netanyahu Repeatedly Lied to Congress about Iraqi “Nukes,” and now Wants US War on Iran

July 24, 2024
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a master of misdirection, the technique master illusionists use to divert the viewer’s attention from the trick and to pull the wool over their eyes. He uses his slick American accent, his bulging eyes, his rhetorical flourishes, his maniacal certainty, to fool people whenever and however he can.
 Palestinian first responders assess the damage after a tent marked as 'press' was targeted in an Israeli attack in the central Gaza Strip.
 Palestinian first responders assess the damage after a tent marked as ‘press’ was targeted in an Israeli attack in the central Gaza Strip. One Palestinian writer and researcher was killed, and two others were injured. According to the Gaza Media Office, 163 Palestinian journalists and media workers have been killed in Gaza since October 7th. (Photo: APA Images)

Is this my selection?

This question is asked when a person has to choose between two or more. This means that in many cases in our lives, we cannot do the work we like or that is in our interest. Therefore, we elect a person who will do on our behalf the action that we wanted to do. We have named this process either an election, and the person who is selected or elected makes decisions on our behalf. The chosen person could be a lawmaker, a law that could either benefit or harm us. Therefore, it is very important that we are aware of who we elect to represent us.

آیا این گزیدهٔ من است؟

این پرسش زمانی‌ صورت می‌گیرد که شخص باید تصمیم بگیرد که بین دو یا چند، یکی‌ را انتخاب کند. بدین معنی که در موارد بسیاری از زندگی‌ ما نمی‌توانیم آن کاری را که دوست داریم و به نفع ماست انجام دهیم. بنابراین، ما شخصی‌ را انتخاب می‌کنیم که برگزیدهٔ ما باشد و به نمایندگی‌ از ما آن عملی‌ را که ما می‌خواستیم انجام دهیم، به جای ما انجام دهد. ما این جریان یا پروسه را انتخابات و‌ یا گزینش نامگذاری کرده‌ایم ، و شخصی‌ که انتخاب می‌شود، بجای ما و به نمایندگی‌ از ما تصمیم می‌گیرد. شخص انتخاب شده از طرف ما ممکن است در مصدر کاری قرار گیرد که قانون گذاری کند، و این قانون نفع و ضررش به ما خواهد رسید. بنابراین بسیار مهم است که ما آگاه باشیم که چه کسی‌ را به نمایندگی‌ از خود انتخاب می‌کنیم.ا