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Monday, January 27, 2025

Auschwitz’s hierarchies of villains and victims

Declan Hayes
When I visited Kraków for some dental treatment in late January 2022 just before Putin sent his peace-keeping forces into Ukraine, I made a point of not visiting either Auschwitz or Schindler’s factory for the same reason I did not visit Jerusalem’s Holocaust Museum on the two occasions I visited Zion. Quite frankly, not only have I a gut full of hearing about Anne Frank, the boy in the striped pyjamas and Holocaust survivors who, like the old soldiers that they are, refuse to die, but I hate having propaganda of any sort rammed down my neck.
 Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial Skip-the ...

PFP statement on Los Angeles wildfires of 2025

The tragic wildfires that have taken place since Tuesday, January 7, 2025, have destroyed thousands of homes and structures across Los Angeles, leaving tens of thousands homeless. The death toll continues to rise as bodies are discovered under the ashes of homes. While the corporate mainstream media spotlights the rich who have been impacted, Peace & Freedom Party members have been on the ground, day after day, providing aid and relief to the thousands of working-class families who have lost everything.
Southern California wildfires by the ...

Could the Carrington Event happen again?

Laura Baisas
On a hot and humid Florida night in late August 1859, the sky suddenly lit up. But it was not from fireflies or a fireswamp. Instead, it was the Northern Lights–or aurora borealis. The aurora is usually seen in far more northern latitudes, but it had somehow reached the subtropics and danced across the night sky. Reports of the aurora came in from as far south as Central America and some in the Rocky Mountains even believed it was morning because the sky was so bright.
NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory captured this image of a solar flare–as seen in the bright flash on the right side–on September 10, 2017. The image shows a combination of wavelengths of extreme ultraviolet light that highlights the extremely hot material in flares, which has then been colorized.


هوشنگ فاضلی

نزدیک به پنجاه سال پیشدر خانه‌ای دو طبقه در قیطریه شمیران سکونت داشتم. طبقهٔ بالا در اختیار خانواده‌ام بود و طبقهٔ پائین را اجاره داده بودم. یکبار مستاجر جدیدی از طریق آژانس املاک مراجعه، و خود را مهندس وحدتی، مدیر یک شرکت ساختمانی معرفی‌ نمود. قرار شد که وی و همسر و یک دخترش در این طبقه سکونت نمایند. در مورد میزان اجاره هم حساسیتی نشان نداد و گفت می‌تواند اجارهٔ شش ماه را هم یکباره پرداخت نماید.ا