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Sunday, May 26, 2019

تاریخچه سیاستهای داخلی‌ و خارجی‌ رژیم اسلامی، و تغییر جهت دادن آن

Foot- ‏ پا‏

By: Gemma Tarlach- Discover Magazine

When Apollo 11 touched down on the moon, could Neil Armstrong have made a “giant leap” if we’d never evolved feet? “One small slither for man” just doesn’t have the same ring to it. In truth, our feet have enabled one of our most impressive, ah, feats. With its big heel bone, short toes and long, still arch, the human foot is a defining trail of our genus because it enabled efficient bipedalism: locomotion on two legs. Being bipedal made humans great long-distance walkers and runners while freeing our upper limbs to make and use tools, including weapons. You could say it was a giant leap on the way to becoming Earth’s dominant animals, for better or worse.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Where we go from here

Where we go from here, is Bernie Sanders’ recent book. For those who know him and follow his campaign he is not offering any new ideas in his book. Generally, he has about ten vey different and important items in his agenda which he evaluates in various shapes and forms. It is hard to believe candidates promises any longer since we have experienced every candidate promising his or her way into the White House, and as soon as the election is secured, leaves people behind. This has been experienced with both parties, and of course both Democrat and Republican parties are so strong and entrenched into American politics that it is almost impossible for any other party to move up close to them. For instance, we had Obama, the most intelligent persons to occupy the house in comparison to his successor, and who was considered different from very beginning, because of his race. He stupefied people, making liberals believe that he was one of them and from a different crowd. This was proven wrong, as his imperialistic agenda was stronger than any of his predecessors. Of course, it is dangerous to enter the race and win with the support of millionaires and then turn back on them, as they have the means which would destroy anyone fantasizing such idea. Would Jill Stein receive the same enthusiastic followers as Sanders if she ran on Democratic ticket instead of Green; we would not know? One point that keeps Sanders away from other candidates in this regard is that he does not accept large contributions. His past stands on issues would of course be another indication that he does not follow status quo. This point definitely contributes to his popularity and that may make it hard for the establishment to do to him again, what they did in 2016. Many of his views however are very much like the status quo, regarding Russia and Korea and China, and with all his criticisms about the system, he believes in Western Democracy. Considering that he has taken wrong stance in many issues, one has to be careful not to mistake him with someone from the left of political spectrum, no matter that he calls himself a socialist. All said, his book is valuable to read as he expands on his ideas and describes each one in detail.