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Saturday, March 19, 2022

"Is Russia's Central Bank Chief a "Hostile Foreign Agent" Deliberately Sabotaging the Russian Economy?"

Mike Whitney

March 15, 2022

Interview with economist Paul Craig Roberts

“We could completely offset the negative consequences of financial sanctions if the Bank of Russia fulfilled its constitutional duty to ensure a stable ruble exchange rate, and not the recommendations of Washington financial organizations…. It was the connivance of the Central Bank which led to the fact that Russia and its industry were drained of blood and unable to develop.” Sergey Glazyev, Russian economist and author

“A person has to wonder why Russia has taken none of these steps that would bring instant agonizing cries from the stupid West and an immediate end to all sanctions and Russophobic propaganda. Russia can dictate the terms. Why does she forgo this power?” Paul Craig Roberts


Tell Me How Ukraine Ends


Anything can happen, but Putin "losing" in Ukraine seems among the most unlikely of scenarios.

In the opening days of Iraq War 2.0, a wiser not-yet-General David Petraeus famously asked, “Tell me how this ends.” Petraeus understood that how wars end is more important than why they started. So how does the current war in Ukraine end?