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Saturday, August 21, 2010

About Time!

T. S. Elliot says: “Now, that is always now”. One thing about life is certain. It moves forward and it cannot be enacted. Everything happens once and then it is history. Time does not stop or revert. Time proceeds only in one direction; forward. Every one of us has only one chance to do what we do, and then it is called "past". When we are able to define time, we have achieved a great deal of knowledge. Saint Augustine was once asked to define the meaning of time. He said, “When I do not have to explain it, I know what ‘time’ is. But when someone asks me what it is, I do not know.” The universe is 14 to 15 billion years old. This measurement of time, year, is created by us in order to put history in perspective. Time has been measured by people from early ages by tools available to them.