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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Michio Kaku

Michio Kaku’s latest book is titled “Physics Of The Future”1. It is a collection of future advancements in science, through the year 2100. He has interviewed about 300 scientists who were in the process of improving today’s technology in many areas of science. Either these scientists are making prototypes that would be enhanced through time to gain their optimum results, or they perceive what would be the outcome of their present endeavor 20, 50, or 90 years hence. The book is divided into nine chapters, each chapter discussing  short, medium and long term advancements in the areas of future of computer, artificial intelligence, medicine, nanotechnology, energy, space travel, wealth, humanity, and in the final chapter, he discusses a day in life in the year 2100. The book is very important to read by those who have any interest in science. These writings are not for the purpose of a book review, to discuss various aspects of the book,  but to quote a section from the introduction part of the book, which explains the mission of science in a new and interesting way. The first two paragraphs are directly copied from the last part of the section titled “Understanding The Laws Of Nature” and the rest is almost first half of a section titled “2100: Becoming The Gods Of Mythology”2