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Monday, March 28, 2022

اوقات استثنایی


 کسانی که سن‌شان به پیری نزدیک میشود غالبا به بازگوئی خاطرات خود میپردازند، که البته به نظر منطقی میاید، چرا که اگر دانشی نداشته باشند، حد اقل تجربه چندین ساله دارند که ممکن است این تجربه بکار جوانان بیاید. همانطور که کسانی که به بهشت و جهنم اعتقاد دارند تصور میکنند که حتما به بهشت میروند، و من تاکنون کسی را ندیده‌ام و یا راجع به کسی نشنیده‌ام که تصور کند که به جهنم میرود. به همان دلیل هیچ کس تصور نمیکند که یک پیرمرد و یا یک پیرزن باشد، و اشخاص هشتاد و یا نود ساله نیز از پیرها به عنوان شخص سوم یاد میکنند. حال من که به مرز هفتاد سالگی رسیده‌ام، گر چه خود را پیر نمیدانم، ولی به سخنگوئی از تجربیاتم میپردازم!ا

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Pentagon Drops Truth Bombs to Stave Off War With Russia

Joe Lauria- March 23, 2022

The Pentagon has been engaged in a consequential battle with the U.S. State Department and the Congress to prevent a direct military confrontation with Russia, which could unleash the most unimaginable horror of war.

President Joe Biden is caught in the middle of the fray. So far he is siding with the Defense Department, saying there cannot be any kind of NATO no-fly zone over Ukraine fighting Russian aircraft because “that’s called World War III, okay? Let’s get it straight here, guys. We will not fight the third world war in Ukraine.”

Cold War 2.0: Much Worse Than the Original Cold War

 Melvin Goodman- March 23,2022

In 2003, General David Petraeus asked “tell me how does this end”—the most memorable quote from the Iraq War. Once again, we are involved in a war—a war of horror and terror—with no idea of how it will end.  There is even talk of World War III and the use of nuclear weapons, which has allowed oped writers to discuss the unthinkable.  Their essays are often hyperbolic, but there is one certainty: the next Cold War will be more destabilizing than the original and will present challenges to national leaders who don’t appear up to the task.


Twice in a Century: Russia Faces a War of Annihilation

 • MARCH 13, 2022

A war of annihilation is a war in which the goal is the complete obliteration of the state and the extermination of its people. It is defined as a radicalized form of warfare in which “all psycho-physical limits” are abolished and the strategic goals are pursued by any means necessary. It is war without rules, restrictions or moral constraints. The United States is in the early phases of a war of annihilation against Russia the aim of which is the total destruction of the economy, the culture, the population and the nation.

“We have seen 5 waves of NATO expansion. Now NATO is in Romania and Poland and they are deploying their missile-attack systems there. That’s what we are talking about. You need to understand, we are not threatening anyone. Russia did not come to the US borders or the UK borders. No. You came to our borders and now you are saying, ‘Ukraine will join NATO and will deploy their systems there. They will deploy their military bases and their attack-systems.’ We are concerned about our security. Do you understand what that means?” Vladimir Putin, press conference, You Tube

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Athens Burning

Those who are  interested in  historical studies, especially in the case of ancient Iranians, the name of Zabbihollah Mansoori is a familiar name for them; the eloquent writing, and His simple and fluent style makes it easier to read his works. He passed away a few years ago, and had always claimed that his books were translations of certain foreign historians who specialized in Iranian history. His writings, therefore, are not factual, and although each story is based in general on some historically documented accounts, but what the reader reads in his books is truly a fictional novel that is mostly the product of Mansouri’s imagination.

In an article in Sharq Newspaper by Ali Akbar Qazizadeh,  in July 16, 2007, entitled "Clarify the Task of Zabihollah Mansouri", he presented solutions to elucidate the status of Mansouri's works.  He writes:

“All of these works are presented to readers in the name of translation, but scholars and literature experts know that those Western writers whose books are introduced in their names, can be classified under one of these three categories:

1)       These writers may have a foreign existence, but they have not written a book in such title or theme,

2)       They may exist, but they have written a pamphlet, essay, or a multi-leaf note that has been transformed into a detailed book by mansouri's creative and constructive mind,

3)       Or basically, since the beginning of the genesis of planet Earth, such people have not been born at all, let alone have written a book that Zabihollah Mansouri has translated into Persian.”


Saturday, March 19, 2022

"Is Russia's Central Bank Chief a "Hostile Foreign Agent" Deliberately Sabotaging the Russian Economy?"

Mike Whitney

March 15, 2022

Interview with economist Paul Craig Roberts

“We could completely offset the negative consequences of financial sanctions if the Bank of Russia fulfilled its constitutional duty to ensure a stable ruble exchange rate, and not the recommendations of Washington financial organizations…. It was the connivance of the Central Bank which led to the fact that Russia and its industry were drained of blood and unable to develop.” Sergey Glazyev, Russian economist and author

“A person has to wonder why Russia has taken none of these steps that would bring instant agonizing cries from the stupid West and an immediate end to all sanctions and Russophobic propaganda. Russia can dictate the terms. Why does she forgo this power?” Paul Craig Roberts


Tell Me How Ukraine Ends


Anything can happen, but Putin "losing" in Ukraine seems among the most unlikely of scenarios.

In the opening days of Iraq War 2.0, a wiser not-yet-General David Petraeus famously asked, “Tell me how this ends.” Petraeus understood that how wars end is more important than why they started. So how does the current war in Ukraine end?

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Dangerous Times

When General Eisenhower was leaving the White House in January 17, 1961, in his farewell speech, he warned American people of the Military Industrial Complex. Why didn’t he do anything about this danger when he was in the office? The answer is clear. Presidents of the United States can make decisions about any issue that does not endanger the benefit of big businesses. The real control is in the hands of a few industrialists whose power exceeds beyond economics, and expands into all aspects of American societies. These are the people who made the United States the greatest nation in the world, after the Second World War, which has continued through the first decade of the 21st century.


Saturday, March 5, 2022

The Greatest Evil

 Chris Hedges

 March 03, 2022

" Preemptive war, whether in Iraq or Ukraine, is a war crime. It does not matter if the war is launched on the basis of lies and fabrications, as was the case in Iraq, or because of the breaking of a series of agreements with Russia, including the promise by Washington not to extend NATO beyond the borders of a unified Germany, not to deploy thousands of NATO troops in Eastern Europe, not to meddle in the internal affairs of nations on the Russia’s border and the refusal to implement the Minsk II peace agreement.

The invasion of Ukraine would, I expect, never have happened if these promises had been kept. Russia has every right to feel threatened, betrayed, and angry. But to understand is not to condone. The invasion of Ukraine, under post-Nuremberg laws, is a criminal war of aggression.

[Ed.: Russia says it intervened in the eight-year civil war in Ukraine to stop the massacre of ethnic Russians in Donbass led in part by openly neo-Nazi units.]



 Economist Magazine- February 12, 2022

MANY ANIMALS depend upon sound to find food, detect predators and communicate with one another. These species understandably suffer when loud motorways cut through their habitats. Some cope by singing more loudly, some change the timing of their calls to occur when fewer people are driving, others just move to quieter locales.

All of these actions come with significant costs attached and scientists have long documented the ecological damage caused by noise pollution. It has always been assumed, however, that noise is a problem unique to animals. But a new study by Ali Akbar Ghotbi-Ravandi, a botanist at Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran, has revealed that plants suffer too.


The Land Where History Died

  Posted on

In light of the grotesquely one-sided Ukrainian war news on the MSM, it can be well and truly said that America circa February 2022 has become the land where history died.

From the sophomoric coverage of CNN and NBC, for instance, you would think that Ukraine’s borders have been universally agreed upon by one and all for eons; that the government in Kiev has done absolutely nothing to provoke Russian suspicion and anger; and that Uncle Sam, NATO and the European Union have flitted around the neighborhoods on Russia’s borders merely cheer-leading for democracy and selflessly passing out economic aid and cookies to the long-suffering Ukrainian peoples.

Well, no. Today’s hot war eruption in Ukraine would absolutely not be happening save for the violent coup of February 2014 that overthrew Ukraine’s democratically elected pro-Russian President; and which coup was funded, organized and choreographed by Washington-based neocons, busybodies and arms merchants who otherwise had no reason for even existing in the post-Soviet world.

Moreover, by reviewing the voting patterns of the 2010 Ukrainian presidential election we can see exactly how Washington’s blunderbuss intervention in support of the Maidan putsch put the kibosh on stable governance in Kiev and friendly relations with Ukraine’s historic neighbor and suzerain, Russia. That’s because while the 2010 election reflected the stark divisions of the Ukrainian electorate (see map below) it still produced a government that was reasonably acceptable to most of the electorate, and one which proceeded to work toward new arrangements with both Ukraine’s EU neighbors to the west and Russia to the east.