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Friday, January 17, 2014

Book Review by Nat F- George Orwell's "1984" and "Animal Farm"

In the year 1984 across the world, people flooded book stores in search of an old book they remembered that they had read in high school. The title of the book was Nineteen Eighty-Four and everyone thought it was so funny to see how wrongly George Orwell had predicted the way the world would be by that year. They laughed at the inaccuracies, and especially, they were glad to note that their government was nothing like the one in the book. Much like the characters of the book 1984, the people failed to see how the government had changed for the worst. The progression towards a world like that of the book is even worse now in 2014. Much like the “telescreens” that watch a person’s every movement in their life, the people of today are monitored through security cameras, the internet, and the new threat, the NSA. You won’t be killed in America for simply denouncing the country, but the America government can deem a person as a threat or a terrorist and throw that person in Guantanamo Bay if they don’t want them here. The Ministry of Love from the fictitious novel comes to life in Guantanamo Bay: people go in and never leave and no one is supposed to question the government about what happens. We have holidays and celebrations that make us forget the hardships of life like the ones in 1984. The more times you read Orwell’s book, the more connections you find. Some may claim that as a people, we are much too smart to let something like the events in 1984 happen, but perhaps the fact that we think we can’t be fooled is what the government uses to fool us.