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Monday, January 29, 2018

Tillerson’s open-ended Syria war proves US is stuck in Mideast quicksand

By: Stephen Kinser
Source: https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=6578073269238700358#editor/target=post;postID=2220879227933611649
When Secretary of State Rex Tillerson announced last week that American troops would remain in Syria indefinitely, he sounded much like the legendary nation-grabber Theodore Roosevelt.

“We have hoisted our flag, and it is not fashioned of the stuff which can be quickly hauled down,” Roosevelt declared during debate over the Philippine War more than a century ago. “There must be control! There must be mastery!”

No one imagines that the 2,000 American soldiers now in Syria — or even a much larger force — can bring either mastery or control. Yet Tillerson’s announcement made clear that Syria is becoming a new front in the “long war” that the United States seems determined to fight in the Middle East. This commits our blood and treasure to a project that serves no vital American interest. On the contrary, our extended involvement in the Syrian civil war will promote instability, feed radicalism, divide NATO, and expose American troops to deadly attack. Since Congress has not approved our entry into this war, it may also be illegal.

Robert Parry’s Legacy and the Future of Consortiumnews

January 28, 2018
The is an article for the Late Robert Parry who died two days ago, written by his son. It is a brief history of the newspaper (semi-obituary semi-historical), which at the same time reflects complacency of Khomeini in Regan’s election, Iran-Contra, and Contra-Cocaine scandals.
Source: https://consortiumnews.com/2018/01/28/robert-parrys-legacy-and-the-future-of-consortiumnews/