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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Declaration of Independence

“We must all hang together, gentlemen, or else we shall most assuredly hang separately.”
Benjamin Franklin- at the signing of the Declaration of Independence

“Signing Their Lives Away” is a book by Denise Kiernan and Joseph D’Agnese about the 56 who signed Declaration of Independence. The book is a short biography of each person (titled with an interesting fact about that person), and with a comic flavor. For example, “The signer everyone loved to hate” or “The signer who gave us Gerrymandering” or “The signer who objected to, well, everything” or “The signer who was sure he would hang” or “The signer who designed US flag” or “The signer who financed the war- and ended up in debtors’ prison” and so on. Each signer has an intriguing story, one such story belongs to Benjamin Rush whose biography is reprinted here.