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Friday, September 21, 2012

How to Manipulate!

I had some classmates in high school who would do anything to make fun of the teachers and administrators. Some people have a good sense of finding weaknesses in others. The combination of this and some boldness and the desire to be known courageous, would be the engine behind making fun of the authorities and playing sarcastic games with them. A group of students would sometimes conspire against a teacher, just to make them look ridiculous. If a teacher confessed that he had strong feelings towards something, he would have been doomed forever! For instance, we had a teacher (who professed casually while lecturing) that he hated garlic. From the following day until the end of the school year, the word garlic was written on the board in different ways and styles. There were various graffiti of garlic on the walls of the classroom, and sometimes fresh garlic cloves were sitting on a desk in his class! On their papers, some students would find a way to mention the word garlic or somehow refer to it! Of course, the teacher would act his part as well, by showing unpleasant reactions to the word or the presence of garlic. The teacher thought that he had the upper hand as far as students' grades were concerned. He was in fact the victim in this story. Students would move to higher grades with different teacheres the following year, but the mentioned teacher would always be left with a bad name. He could never rest, since the same game would be repeated the following school year. Finding redicule on others is not hard. How the one has been the target reacts to it is important.

People who made the film titled “The Innocence of Moslems” have been receiving the exact results they were hoping for. At first it was said that the film was made by a Jewish American, and the investigation was set to learn about the financing of the movie. Apparently, the man who made the film is a 55 year old Egyptian born Coptic Christian, by the name of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula who is on probation for conviction of some financial crimes. He has also been in jail twice on drug charges. He is reported to be on probation for some federal fraud crimes that barred him from using online services, as well. In another news, the cast and crew members confessed that they were misled by the filmmakers. One of the actresses proposed that nowhere in the script the name "Mohammad" was mentioned, and actors' voices were dubbed in a way that altered the script from what they were presented with. Another person involved with the film is Joseph Nasrollah Abdol Masih, who received permit for the film. His permit is granted to a nonprofit organization called “Media for Christ” that is a non-denomination evangelical organization and the host of “The Way TV” (http://www.tv-tube.tv/) broadcasting anti-Islam propaganda in Arabic, English, and Coptic. Joseph Nasrollah is a popular public speaker who creates fear against Islam. There are other people who are suspected of cooperating with Nasrollah in making this film, such as Pamela Geller (http://pamelageller.com/) and Robert Spencer (http://www.jihadwatch.org/) who are also behind a number of anti-Moslem rallies, and have ads in SF and NY against Islam. Their relationship is also traced to Norwegian mas-murderer Anders Breivik. It seems to have a system behind anti-Islam propaganda, supported by those who are trying to create a religous war.

Terry Jones, the notorious Florida pastor who financed the film is currently running as a candidate for presidential election. It is not surprising to learn that some anti-Semitic (or should we say anti-Islamic) person runs for presidency, and have a chance to even win the election. It has happened many times before and it could easily happen again. We know about Adolf Hitler who was elected as the leader of Germany in 1933 and served until his suicide in 1945. His killing machine continued for dozen years, and gave birth to Zionism, an ideology that repeats the same genocide as Hitler did, this time towards Moslems, Arabs, and Palestinians in specific.

All of these signs show that there is an organized and powerful force behind the creation of a religious war. The most fundamental elements of Christianity and Judaism are supporting this effort by inflating already anti-Western sentiment in Islamic countries. After all the belligerent transgressions, encroachments, and assaults of the US and its allies in the Middle East and South Africa, deprived people of Moslem countries have only one way to release their anger, that is unfortunately giving those mentioned what they have been looking for. Leaders of some of those countries have some benefit in fueling such sentiments. Of course there are some naïve elements who believe in Nostradamus’ prophecy of the 21st century crusade. He professed another crusade in early 21st century. Considering the division in European countries over austerity measures, and fueling for religious riots, a world war is on the horizon in the next few months, unless world leaders are prevented by popular anti-war uprising in every country.