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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day

"Workers hit by lower living standards and record high unemployment staged May Day protests across Europe on Wednesday, hoping to persuade their governments of the case for easing austerity measures and boosting growth." Reads the first paragraph of the online article by Reuters titled: "Thousands rally against European austerity on May Day", which claims to be the largest European May Day rally ever. Almost all progressive media and some other international instruments have publicized these events. Of course, major US media (even some progressive ones) have been quite about it!

The history of International Workers' Day (May Day) was published in this blog last year. A detailed account of International Workers' Day can also be found on Wikipedia, starting with: "International Workers' Day is the commemoration of the 1886 Haymarket affair in Chicago." It should be emphesized that May Day has been attached to “Political Left” by most Western governments. Instead, first Monday of September is celebrated as Labor Day, in most of these countries. 

Cutting social benefits has been a priority for all US presidents since Reagan. From the beginning of this century and with the empowerment of the neo-cons, this process has been expedited precipitously, while everyone is kept in a shock (see "The Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein, for a detailed and a historical view of the process). Today’s worldwide demonstration may be a wakeup call! US government, as the military superpower of the world, has increasingly been leaning towards the Right, regardless of the political party (of the two) has been in power. Dismantling banking regulations, most notably Glass-Steagall Act, signing NAFTA, creating a new generation of poor through Welfare reform act and many other cuts in social services were major victories for the Right, signed by a Democrat president- Clinton. Expansion of present wars and initiation of new wars, using targeted attacks, increasing military budget, expanding military ambitions of the US globally, continuation of illegal arrests, tortures, and detention of foreign nationals (and in some cases US nationals), and violation of civil liberties are just a few highlights of Obama’s reign, again a Democrat.

However, the significance of this year's ‘Day of Labor’ is more pronounced by the rapid increase in unemployment rates, worldwide (as a result of the austerity measures and economic globalization). Child labor, human trafficking, new-age slavery, abolition of labor unions and many other anti- labor- organization measures result in widening the economic and political gap between the so called 99% and governments (supporting the 1%), all over the world. Exponential increase in global poverty, as a result of Western governments’ centuries of exploitation of inhabitants of the nations with rich natural resources, brings a larger crowd in major streets of those nations, today.

One of the largest factors separating so called "developed" from "developing" nations has been economic factors; such as widening the disparity between the rich and the poor, resulting overwhelming increase in sustenance insecurity among the poor. Cuts in social programs and benefits have been in rapid rise in the past seven years in "developed" countries, moving them closer to "developing" nations’ standards.
As cutting social benefits are termed "sequester" in the US, the rate of wealth, or accumulated money by the rich multiplicities, at the same amplified rate of poverty and hunger. World Bank and International Monetary Fund (major economical levers US government utilizes to keep neo-colonial nations under control) has been expanded to European nations recently, titled "austerity". These economic measures, which rapidly reduce social welfare, not mentioning people’s investment for future  (such as Social Security and Medicare) are creating a new wave of underprivileged in Western countries, for the first time since the New Deal (US) and WWII (Europe). Of course, those at the bottom of the social structures, such as "illegal" immigrants and racial minorities would be effected initially and foremost. A recent blog by Chelsea Badeau titled "Why Doesn’t Everyone in America Have a ‘Place at the Table?’" discloses a troubling fact that in the US (the prosperous nation in the world) 49 million people don't know how they would get their next meal.

May 1st provides an opportunity for many activists to demand their rights. May Day articles in progressive media around the world testify to this fact. Headlines such as the followings: "Building a True People's Movement- May Day and the Failure of the Immigrant Rights Movement" by AJAMU BARAKA (Counterpunch.org); "After unsafe Factory kills 400 in Bangladesh, on May Day workers Demand Rights" (Informed Comment); "Class War and Labor’s Declining Share" (Monthly Review); "Immigrant Rights Groups, Labor, Occupy Plan May Day Protests" (The Nation);"May Day Keeps Militarized Police in the News" (Antiwar); "Truthdiggers of the Week: The May Day Occupiers(Truthdig).