اندیشمند بزرگترین احساسش عشق است و هر عملش با خرد

Sunday, April 28, 2024


There are countless ideas about birth, life, and death. Religions and many beliefs have tried to explain these three, that is, where we came from when we were born, where we are going to after we die, and what is our place in this world. Most of the religions and rituals identify the fundamental motivation of these three phenomena through the power of a hidden force controlling universe. Of course, there are also non-religious theories or viewpoints with countless stories, sagas, and fables, most of which go back to a force outside of our world. Since the death of those whom we are in love with, is depressing for us, we are looking for a guide to show a way of solace to our grief. As a result, in our thoughts we cultivate a world outside of our world. Our created world has many differences with the ones created by others, depending on various viewpoints and theories. But they have similarities which make them the ideal world all humans wish to live in.

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Perhaps we should first think about how our world came to be. Again, if we refer to religious writings in this matter, we will face children's stories. From a scientific point of view, the world began as a result of the big bang, and it expanded in a short period of time. This expansion continues as galaxies always move away from each other. What was the fundamental motivation of this mega bang is still unclear. Those who are attached to extraterrestrial phenomena can imagine its fundamental motive as an endless, eternal, and divine force. Stars and planets were formed because of this big bang. Was there a behind-the-scenes force in the formation of our world and the creatures or living beings, and is everything still under their control? This question is responded by various faiths and religions; however, scientists do not have an answer for this very important query yet.

Living organisms have different shapes and forms, of which single-celled organisms are the most primitive. The highest form of being, which motivates progress in technology and art, are human beings, as a result of which we have named ourselves the highest form of creation. The reason we can call ourselves the highest being is because of our intellectual capacity. Otherwise, in terms of physical strength, vision, and five senses, as well as in terms of tolerance, certain animals dominate us.

Perhaps the first question we should ask ourselves is what we had been before we were born, or before we stepped into this world. Of course, this is a very old puzzle that those before us tried to solve, as to where one did come from, and what was the purpose of one’s coming. To answer these questions, we need a huge imagination. Have we stepped into this world from another world? As our body is created from the union of man and woman, and we inherit the characteristics of both through their genes, do our brain waves that lead to our thoughts are inherited from them as well? And finally, does our existence begin from birth, or have we left another world behind to enter this world? These are some fundamental questions we can ask ourselves.

What is obvious to us is our lack of consciousness at birth, as when we are born our thoughts or minds are completely blank and we do not remember anything from the past. We know that our physical shape is created through the confrontation of two parts, male and female. The prominent part of this body, that is the brain, is devoid of any thoughts or ideas. But the brain has the ability to learn through the five senses and store the data in order to benefit from them in the future. Therefore, the knowledge of anything prior to our birth is hidden from us. Animals multiply like humans. As they are mostly expanded as in humans by a male and a female. Plants produce seeds and the seed usually produces more of them, and they multiply. Therefore, everything that is a living inhabitant on earth, has come into being from its previous inhabitants. As a result, there were no other beings on this globe, and we may conclude that before this world another world could not have existed either. When we talk about our existence in this world, we will discuss that perhaps this world is nothing but a dream. If so and if this world is a dream, there must have been another world where we dream from. Of course, the nature of that world can be of any shape and form, and this leads us to countless assumptions.

In order to examine what we call life, we must first find a reason for our existence, that is the reason for living in this world. From the time we enter this world, until our brain and body are not in our control any longer, and we do not feel our presence in this world, do we find out what is the philosophy of our existence? Why do we enter this world with very little physical and mental strength, and progress with knowledge and experience and reach our physical and mental strength to the maximum, and then we gradually deteriorate and again go into physical and mental degeneration? What is this rise and fall for? Why can't we reach other galaxies in terms of time, even though we know about their existence, but the time of our life does not allow us to fly to them? How is it that our thoughts can fly to other worlds, but our body does not allow us to travel far?

Many thinkers and intellectuals have researched in order to find an answer to these fundamental questions, but such questions still remain unanswered. If we knew what it was or where we were before entering this world, and what it will be after death and what world we will enter, or even if we were sure that there was nothing before and there will be nothing after, our understanding of our mission in this world, or our destiny would perhaps be better understood. But since we don't have answers to those questions, we should perhaps assume that there are no worlds or quests before and after this life, and this life is all that we can perceive with our five senses. We can assume that we are actors in a movie or in a game, and that movie or game is the beginning and the end of each person’s life. In this world, we start acting in a movie and then the movie ends. Thus, we have never had, or will never have, a role in another movie or play. Because the beginning of this only show is our birth, and the end is our death.

Maybe life is not a movie but a dream. If our life is nothing more than a dream, then we should examine how this dream is. We dream as we sleep. Scientists have divided sleep into groups and stages. We sleep as a relaxation for our brains, but this does not mean that the brain is asleep, as it is always active until death. Sleep has been divided into two groups (or four stages). The first group is called casual eye movement, and the second group (or the fourth stage, which is deep sleep) is called its reverse, or Rapid Eye Movement (REM). As it was mentioned, REM is in deep sleep (second group or fourth stage). If we wake someone up at this stage, it takes about thirty minutes for the person to be able to focus his or her thoughts at that time. Because the brain is sorting out thoughts and memories during this period, brain waves begin struggling. Non-REM sleep is divided into three stages. After a person sleeps, he or she enters the first stage of this phase, which lasts for a few minutes, and includes about five percent of the sleep time. The second stage, which makes up forty-five percent of total sleep time, takes place when brain waves are less active, and our dreams are longer. In fact, brain waves are organizing recent memories. The third stage is deep sleep. This stage includes about twenty-five percent of total sleep time. The duration of this sleep is longer for children, and as the person gets older, the duration of this stage of sleep also decreases. Although the brain waves slow down in this stage, they are more effective, however. It is necessary that a person does not wake up suddenly from this deep sleep, otherwise he or she will be sleepy all day. After completing this stage, the person returns to the second stage. REM is when a person enters deep dreams. At this time, due to the dreams, the spherical part of the eye moves inside the pupil, and this movement is fast. That is why this stage is called REM. About a quarter of sleep time is in this stage

Now let's return to the first thought, that our life is nothing but a dream. If we compare our life with the levels and stages of sleep that were explained, we find many similarities. We said that a complete sleep is divided into two groups and four stages. The first stage is our childhood, which is very short compared to the rest of our life and consists of about five percent of our total lives. If we assume the average life span is sixty years, five percent of an average life is three years, which is during infancy and very young age. The second stage consists of forty-five percent of sleep, which is the period of childhood and youth until the age of thirty. The third stage of sleep is a quarter of the hypothetical life span, or fifteen years, which is the period of maturity. The last fifteen years of age (again if it is assumed that a person lives for sixty years) is the period of old age, when life, or deep dreams, little by little slow down. Therefore, can we conclude that life is nothing more than a dream?

So far, we talked about the concept that is related to the time before this life and this world, and what is happening in this world, which is our lifetime. Now, the question is whether we go to another world after this life, or death is the end of everything. Our knowledge is to the extent that we leave this world due to old age or illness or war or countless other reasons. Of course, this is very sad for those who remain and who loved the lost person. That is why mourning after death is accompanied by crying and wailing. It is the greatest sorrow of any human being to lose his or her loved ones or the most precious people in his or her life. The reason for this mourning and sadness is that survivors know that not only those who have been lost never return, but also, they realize that one day they will experience this unfortunate event as well! Throughout our lives, we have struggled with countless problems and experienced many disasters. Is the end of it all a void or nothingness? In order to continue our existence with joy, we need to have a grand design that results from our present lives. So, we must create another world. Religions have worked a lot on this subject and have invented a world after death, that is either one of heaven, hell, and purgatory. If there was no worldly life before this, and this life is not only a dream but a reality, and considering that the only world we are aware of is this world, there seems not to be another world after death either. And everything ends in such a way that there is only one world, and that is the world that we observe, and nothing else has ever existed before, and will not exist after. The beginning of everything is birth, and the end of everything is death. Finally, what we witness today, and the world that can be recognized by our five senses, is the beginning and the ending of everything.

In the previous parts, sleep was discussed, and different parts of sleep were examined. One of the stages of sleep is called Rapid Eye Movement, and that is when we dream. This dream can be a pleasant one, or a nightmare. Scientists have not yet been able to find the reason for dreaming. We know that sleep is a relief from exhaustion. But why do we dream, which is as it was mentioned earlier, when the eyeballs move rapidly, and other muscles of the body stay motionless? Sometimes we visit people in our dreams that we have been away from for years. How do these people play a role in our dreams? One of the assumptions was that life is nothing more than a dream. If so, and the story of our lives are these dreams, aren’t they based on pre-birth realities?

It has not been for a long time since man discovered that he is a small part of the creatures of this great and vast planet, and he or she was able to closely observe the moon and understand that it is another planet, and he looked into the sun and found it to be a fiery star, and he was able to search and find other planets and stars outside of our solar system, and he looked further into our galaxy and realized that there were numerous other galaxies in the universe. Considering that the galaxies are moving away from each other, and death of each one leads to a black hole, it is not possible to think of an end for this world. However, if this world is nothing but a dream, this is a sweet dream! And if this world is real and all we can ever experience is merely this world, and everything for us begins and ends in this world, we have been so lucky to have stepped into this realm, from millions of chromosomes that could not make it. So, we should always be thankful for our luck.

What is worth believing is that one day we entered this world and one day we will exit from it. This world has its own pleasures and delights that we are always trying to multiply and increase. All innovations and creations aim to further our comfort and increase our happiness and reduce our pain. Accumulating wealth is a way to increase our happiness. In addition to the fact that some people enjoy just collecting money, considering that money can buy countless pleasures, collecting it takes precedence over everything else. Other pleasures and what we call entertainment, including reading, writing, watching movies, certain sports, sex, various games, and even intoxicants and drugs give pleasure to us, and almost all can be bought with money. Having this wealth makes some people superior to others. Those who are at the highest level of power and wealth accept this superiority and are proud of it. But their number is limited, and the majority of people have low wealth and power, and this creates a big gap in any society where people need to coexist with each other. Isn't it better to live in a society where everyone can equally benefit from those means of happiness? Isn't it the greatest happiness to understand that we are lucky enough to be in this world and to experience living without caring about what was and will be before and after this world?

Life in this world, where one day we are born and one day we die, has no conditions or requirements, and neither entering this world nor leaving it is our choice (except suicide). However, within these two periods, which we call life, our lives are in our own hands, and we live according to our wills and choices. We should always try to increase happiness and decrease sadness, with the understanding and expectation that we also enjoy the happiness of others. We must eradicate poverty, war, imprisonment and killing, and any activity that causes discomfort for us or anyone else. Each and every person should be the government, so that the possessions of this world can be distributed equally and freely among all. The words hate and love should be removed from our vocabulary, which means that there is no feeling of hatred towards others, and since everyone always loves and admires each other, there is no need for such a word as love either!

Life in this world, where one day we are born and one day we die, has no conditions or requirements, and we entered the world without wanting to, and we leave this world without wanting to, but in this distance, that is, during life, with the will of We live by ourselves. We should always try to increase happiness and decrease sadness, with the understanding and expectation that the happiness of others is our happiness. We must eradicate poverty, war, imprisonment and killing, and any activism that causes discomfort and worry from this world. Each and every people should be the government, so that the assets of this world can be distributed equally and freely among all. The words love and hate, fascination and disgust should be removed from cultures, which means that there is no feeling of hatred and disgust, and since everyone loves and admires each other, there is no need for these words!


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