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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Government Establishment

Human being has made two greatest mistakes early in its history! First unforgivable error was creation of government institution, and electing someone as a leader who supposedly is superior to all the leader's subjects. From the conception, governments have maintained the benefits of the establishment, not minding destruction of human lives as well destruction of the environment. The second mistake was creation of religions and invention of another superior power called God. The result of such enterprise has not been any better than the first one. When these two institutions become one, such as in Europe's middle ages or in present Iran, the most vicious and blood thirsty elements of sub-human surfaces. Advancement in technology and education reduces influence of religions in societies. With the present trend, religion seems to be eliminated as a bad dream, as human being progresses. However, freedom from government establishment is not possible, as it is not plausible to go back to tribal lives, as in thousands of years ago. Therefore, it is vital to find a system that would revolutionize the government at its core.

Economical conditions at any given time determine governments’ policies. In fact, a political system is solely based on an economical theory. Since early human emerged from communal and tribal households, societal settings have been based on economical requirements. Even in tribal system, after producing more than daily requirements (due to technological advancements) storing agricultural products was common, according to archeological findings. Then, slavery (forcing one to produce more than he can consume) was discovered, a system which produced higher surplus. Holding slaves however changed the social structure and it required creating a political system. A migration from tribal and communal settings and towards a new social settings advanced political systems. Production, agriculture, supply and demand, and increasing surplus constituted innovating economical methods, beginning with bartering, and as a result, politics started based on economical theories. Since people were dependent on the land, feudalism (where one owns a piece of land and serfs, slaves, or farmers work on that land) was established. Then, other categories of work appeared and specialization and proficiency resulted in division of labor and trade. Defining people based on their trades created cast system, that resulted in bourgeoisie. After introduction of capital, political systems that had been created based on feudalism and bourgeoisie, were replaced by capitalism. Capitalism owes its theories mostly to thinkers such as Adam Smith and David Ricardo. It was soon emerged as the only system supported by politics, and developed so rapidly that theories of those economists could not respond new developments, such as monopoly. The invisible hands of Adam Smith was clearly visible, advancing into small organizations and swallowing them. 19th century became the most diverse and turbulent century that resulted in many new economic theories. These theories were tested through many political upheavals of the following century. Those economical systems are summarized in general as: market economy, planned economy, and mixture of market and planned economy. In the first model, the assumptions of the market play a major role in deciding the right path for a country’s economic development. A planned economy is that all major decisions related to the production, distribution, commodity and service prices, are made by the government. A mixed economy combines elements of both the planned and the market economies in one cohesive system. A transient study of the economical theories takes us back to 16 and 17 centuries when Mercantilists’ movement forced the government to adopt a new political policy. Mercantilists believed that the wealth of a society was measured by its stockpile of gold and silver. Physiocrats opposed Mercantilists by maintaining that a society’s economical system depended solely on its agriculture. In mid eighteen century Adam Smith by borrowing the phrase laissez-faire (coined by Physiocrats) stated that because of the competition between business owners, an invisible hand protects general public’s benefits. Other economical theorists such as David Ricardo, Thomas Malthus, John Stewart Mill,and many others contributed to Smith’s theory of capital. In 1850, Carl Marx offered a different economical theory that would lead societies to socialism. In his famous book, Das Kapital, he offered a Communist system, where everyone would equally share all the minerals, agricultural products, and commodities. In early twentieth century, John Maynard Keynes, amended capitalism by introducing government’s role in the system, when necessary. Whenever capitalism derailed from its classical form, other economists such as Leon Walras, Alfred Marshall, Tristin Weblen, Irving Fisher, Milton Friedman stepped in and found some remedy for it. The last person, Friedman, suggested a theory known as Chicago School, where government’s role was minimized. Different political forms were suggested based on each one of these economical theories. Soviet Union came out of a socialist uprising, which was soon taken over by a dictator. FDR of the US used Keynesian economy to fight the great depression. Neo Conservatives with the leadership of the second Bush based their economy on Friedman’s thoughts. Therefore, political systems have been changed according to economical theories, at least in recent centuries.

Is economical system the engine of adavancement and progress in societies? Has any progress in societies been as a result of its economical system or its new technology? We examined this earlier that technology was the root of advancement in earlier societies. Leaders of countries have always been theorists. The one who pushes a society forward is a technocrat, not a seasoned politician. Advancement in technology in 20th century is not comparable to that of any other centuries. Such advancement in technology is increased rapidly when it is supported by governments as the base of their politics. Countries’ resources should be spent on advancement of technologies. Leaders of countries should not be protector of capital or religions (which is by itself the cause of backwardness). Although we cannot ignore the essential role of economics in any society, however it can be used for technological planning. Such governments should be exclusive holder of resources to use them for the benefit of the public. Governments should be elected by the majority vote and by candidates’ total transparency with no affiliation to private benefits. Every citizen should have access to job, housing, clothing, health facilities, education, and daily nutrition at a minimum. Leaders should be elected among those who maintain advancement in technology as the policy of the government. People should be able to elect not theorists, but future minded people capable of scientific advancements to run their governments.