اندیشمند بزرگترین احساسش عشق است و هر عملش با خرد

Thursday, November 26, 2015


Today, we are celebrating anniversary of the day when Indians saved the pilgrims from starvation, by providing the newcomers with a feast of turkey. We know this because it is mentioned in our history books and textbooks, and it is repeated by the media each year. However, the original Thanksgiving day of 1621 had a different purpose, and today’s celebration is a harvest day proposed by Lincoln and Washington. Some historians attached the two events, and even the arrival of Mayflower in 1620 and Indians welcoming the newcomers by offerings, as the origins of Thanksgiving Day. So, why is the history we are reading or hearing today is so much different from the truth? 

There are records of historians of ancient empires describing victorious wars, in addition to the heroic acts of emperors. The same emperor’s defeats (if any) were never recorded, and our knowledge of such defeats is documented by other historians in the employment of the adversaries, in this case the victorious army. Even if the loss of one’s own emperor was recorded, it was painted as a natural defeat due to factors outside of the emperor’s knowledge or ability, and not because of his weakness. Fabricating reasons for a war, in addition to its result, has always benefited the policy of perpetual war in order to keep citizens obedient, and neighboring countries constantly on the edge. On the other hand and as far as ordinary people are concerned, wars have always been recorded along with other disasters such as flood, tornado, hurricane, and epidemic diseases. Therefore, people consider wars as avoidable calamities, and they do not like to participate in a war, even if the theater of the war happens to be outside of their territories. In order to change such attitudes, historical data are either fabricated or they are not mentioned at all. Aligned with that, nationalism is promoted and reciting national anthem is enforced from kindergarten age and on. The history we read in our textbooks are all about our greatness, and there is no mention (or justified, if mentioned) of the government’s imperialistic expansions or regime changes in Mexico, Philippines, Cuba, Guatemala, Iran, Chile, and numerous other countries. The question at this point is whether we benefit from the empire’s expansion into other lands, in order to access free material and cheap labor. We certainly do! However, such policies are undertaken mainly for benefiting Multinational Corporations. American industrial products of the fifties, sixties, and seventies have gradually been moved to other countries by multi-national conglomerates which have expanded horizontally and vertically in many directions. They own auto manufacturing, household items, entertainment industries, food chains, media, and financial services, all under one establishment. The only industries left in the US are military and military related products and services. The government creates wars, and military industrial complex sells arms to both sides of the conflict. These industries have their tentacles stretched all over the world. They are so big that Western governments with billions and trillions of annual budget cannot regulate them, and so they are in bed them. In fact, not only these corporations elect government officials, they are the government.
Government, Inc. has the power to fabricate history and even change the current factual events to meet its own ends. Government, Inc. controls the major established media. With the control of the media by the government, people receive only government propaganda. For instance, everyone is made to believe that the war in Arab nations is a religious war among themselves, and the West is trying to democratize those uncivilized nations. We are not told that after the mayhem created by the West in Arab nations, directly or indirectly through Israel, such nations have become fertile grounds for growing resentment against Western countries. Such resentment coupled with lack of work and hunger turns them into mercenaries fighting under the religious doctrines of their employers, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Emirates. Also, without the revelation of a Turkish newspaper we would never know that Turkey provides terrorists with arms, under the pretense of supplying humanitarian food, medicine and clothing. Losers in these wars are not only the people living in the areas where mayhem and looting is taking place, but others with their complacent attitudes, or with their faith in the empire. Even for those who do not subscribe to the propaganda of the government, Inc., their consent is manufactured by the establishment, as Noam Chomsky appropriately termed it. Since greed is the only thing Government, Inc. can understand, and safety, environment, and future of humanity are not their concerns, the terror perpetrated by the West would not subside, but expand. It also follows the old plan of American hegemony as the super power in the world (The New American Century), by destroying governments who do not allow one of the 800 American bases in their territories. It all started with the occupation of Afghanistan and installment of a puppet regime. Iraq was next in line, and the plan continued with Libya and Syria. Although, such incursions have resulted disastrous results so far, Iran and Lebanon are still targeted next in line, after the selected religious group takes over the regime in Syria.

Aligned with the ambition of global hegemony, NATO has stretched its areas of domain all the way to Russian borders (although Gorbachev was promised before Yeltsin’s cup-de-tat to dismantle NATO as Warsaw Treaty was taken apart). Ukraine was the last episode of such expansions by Western powers, through assisting a Fascist government to rein at the expense of a civil war and dividing the country into pieces. US policy keeps the world on the hinge of a world war, a fear of which is constantly updated and upgraded, even in rhetoric. People react irrationally when they are consumed with fear, and they tend to accept any condition that would diminish their constant fear. American people remember the daily threat of communist menace, instilled into every aspect of the society for about fifty years. In schools, after a daily pledge to the flag of the United States, drills of various kinds were performed, some of which were exercised in order to protect individuals from a Soviet nuclear attack! The state still considers us so susceptible to such cheap tactics that warns us of a terrorist attack during the holidays. However, the policy is going much further and the situation created because of this policy is much more dangerous today. With the downing of a Russian fighter by Turkish government and the attack on Russian journalists by so-called moderate Syrian rebels, a tense condition is created, the outcome of which is not clear, though worrying. A court in Spain has issued an arrest for Netanyahu, which gives people hope that there is justice somewhere in the planet, which may be used to indict other war criminals. As it was mentioned before, people have always been for peace, and in spite of governments’ propaganda in protecting the mother land, everyone knows that wars are tools of corporations in acquiring more land and natural reserves, in addition to employing cheap labor. People are coming out in mass, whether for “Black Life Matters”, environment, or other worthy causes. A demonstration of people power, such as the one before the Gulf War, should give the leaders of Western governments a message that corporate games are becoming very dangerous and complacency of majority of people cannot be achieved, no matter how strong the propaganda machine is. A world war III, which will definitely turn into a nuclear showdown, ought to be prevented by any means possible, starting with a cessation of the expansionist policies of the Government, Inc.