Some research organizations surveyed various
countries as to their level of acceptance of American tourists. They found 25
countries where not all residents think Americans are welcomed.
Considering that there are 195 countries in the world, this lack of enthusiasm
for Americans is in less than one eighth of all countries, which may not sound substantial.
However, when we realize that beside of Iraq, Syria and Palestine, there are
European countries such as Germany, Austria, and even our neighbor Canada in
this list, one must check the cause, reason, or motivation. Of course, like
everything else, there are not one or two reasons, but a combination of several
facts. The remarkable thing is that when we find the grounds, we realize that
none of the explanations has anything to do with ordinary American tourists,
but it has everything to do with the U.S. government.
As a person who was born and raised in one of
these countries and in the 20th century, the idea that an American
would not have been welcomed, was a far fetched notion in those days. America
has been the land of greatness for those living in the second half of the 20th
century. Any covert operation by the United States anywhere in the world, was
beyond the knowledge of ordinary people where the operation was conducted. Since
intrusion into the affairs of foreign countries by American government was
concealed from ordinary people, and only experts and politicians were aware of
such undertakings, inhabitants of the victim country had the same pleasant
attitudes towards Americans, and their own government was blamed. Because of the
accessible and open global communication, people have more knowledge of
politics, than they did in the 20th century. This is perhaps one
reason behind people’s consciousness, but there are certainly other reasons as
well. There was a non-spoken and undisclosed deal between the United States and
the Soviet Union to not only keep out of each other’s territories, but avert
from expanding their ideologies further through regime change. Of course, every
once in a while either would cross the red line, and as a result, the world
would be alarmed. We all remember Cuba, Korea, Vietnam, and many others, and
finally ending with Afghanistan. However, all the wars and the coup d'é·tats were
staged in other countries, and these culprit countries were always safe. As
they divided Europe between themselves after the second world war, the rest of
the world was unofficially divided between the two powers as well. If in any
one of these countries, someone with some tendencies to the left rose up, that
person would be supported by the Soviets and dismissed by the United States.
American politicians cannot accept anyone with Nationalistic or with Leftist
tendencies. These two groups have always been hunted down, unless Soviets
meddled in as well. In such cases, the trouble would start between the two
powers and saber rattling would end with some compromise. However, ordinary
people were never aware of the details, and coups by the U.S. were not apparent
except for those who studied politics. In this case, America’s meddling into
the affairs of other countries was necessary as a clandestine mission; examples of which are numerous and could be
found on Wikipedia, an article about near 250 American military bases around
the world ( is a good example.
By the end of the 20th century and with
the demise of the Soviet Union, America found itself in a unique position, and
claimed to be indispensable and exceptional. With such attitude, the whole
world had to submit to the demands of the United States. Each country, especially
those which had been under the Soviet’s umbrella, had to begin with a
Neo-Liberal economic policy, under the umbrella of World Bank and World Trade Organization,
and then admit the United States to use that country’s cheap labor while
extracting their natural resources freely or cheaply. A dictator on the top of
the government, supported by US military aid, would make sure the exploitation
continues. However, this regime could continue for so long, until natives found
out why they were kept poor and needy in spite of all their resources, and why
Americans were rich and prosperous while mastering the world. When more and
more nations figure this out, that would be the downfall of American
imperialism, as it has been the case with every single one of such powers
before it. It gets complicated when a country, such as the government of Iran,
acts as if it hates United States while adhering to any American demand and
government policies follow American governments’ instructions. It gets even
more complicated when American governments, knowing the benefit dictators
provide, act hostile as well.
25 Countries Americans are not welcomed are listed
according to the percentage of favorability, or lack of it:
The U.S. backing of
Hosni Mubarak and a failure to do anything about overthrow of the Muslim
Brotherhood leave 85% of those surveyed by Pew Research with an unfavorable view of Americans. This is
of course the official view, however after Egyptians’ uprising, termed as Arab
Spring, which ended with the dictator stepping down, and a religious government
of Mohammad Morsi was established with United States assistance, that had
planned to install religious governments all over Muslim world. As this
government did not obliged by all the United States’ demands, while it was
hated by people, two years later a coup d'état with the aid of American
government toppled that government and replaced it with General el-Sisi. At
this point, Egyptians’ attitude toward America was changed. Considering that a
large portion of Egyptian wealth is derived from tourism, the military dictator
has to keep a close watch on people, or his good fortune will end soon with
another Egyptian uprising. People of Egypt have reflected throughout the
history their knowledge of politics and their thirst for freedom, in 1919 with
Saad Zaghlul, in 1952 with Gamal Abdel Nasser, in 2011 with the foretold
revolution, and an ever continuing revolution.
Egypt's neighbor seems to reflect a similar
view in the same survey—American favorability ratings dropped 13 points since
2009, leaving 85% with an unfavorable view of the U.S. The more people
understand the relationship between their dictator and the United States, the
more this percentage would rise.
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A huge influx of Syrian refugees with the
knowledge that Syrian war was ignited by the U.S. may contribute to the 73%
unfavorable view of America reflected in a Pew Research survey. Syrian refugees are a burden for Turkish
people, while they bring the news of American and Israeli bombs on their lands.
Palestinian Territories:
The U.S. is perceived as fully supporting
Israel, which doesn't sit well with Palestinians—as reflected in a 66% to 72%
unfavorable rating across multiple surveys. Israeli government, repeating
Palestinians with the same treatment of their ancestors in the hands of Nazis,
are fully supported by the U.S. government, and Palestinians are fully aware of
this fact, while any idea of peace with the present government with the
leadership of Netanyahu seems far-fetched.
Relations with Russia have been chilly since
the Cold War. U.S. opposition to its intervention in Ukraine could contribute
to a 71% unfavorable rating in the Pew survey. It should also be added that Putin
stretched his hands to American government several times with a hope of
friendship, however with the absence of the Soviet Union, United States needs a
perpetual foe in order to justify its foreign policy.
Belarus is friendly with Russia and seems to
harbor uneasy feelings about the United States. There, 69% disapprove of
Americans. Basically, any ex-Soviet government that stayed with Russia will
also support Russian policies, and their people are more sympathetic with
Russian populace.
Stemming mostly from the wars that have ravaged
this country, Iraq’s 67% disapproval rating isn’t hard to understand. The
largest American compound is built in Iraq, which is a vey large military base
rather than an embassy. Every Iraqi is aware of their government as an American
puppet, whose aim is more to benefit the United States than Iraqi people.
With a 65% not favored, Mexico isn't a fan of
America. At this time, it is because of Donald Trump, and his xenophobic
tendencies. However, being the neighbor of the most powerful country is not
easy, especially if the people have historically been subjugated to racism and exploitation.
Debt-ridden Greece finds it difficult to
embrace any American message of hope, as shown by the 63% unfavorable rating on
the Pew Research
survey. Greeks openly voted against any attachment to the US and the World
Bank, which is an American economic tool, but their government caved in. The
memory of that event tarnishes American picture in their memories.
Since 1979 when Iran seized the U.S. embassy in
Tehran, there has been no love lost between Iranians and Americans—resulting in
a 61% disapproval rating according to MarketWatch. It is a common knowledge that although the
religious dictatorship in Iran is benefiting American strategies in the area,
on the surface there is a feud between the two government, and Iranian people
interestingly are aware of such game played by both sides. The survey may have
confused the attitude of Iranian people towards American government and
American people. As a result of a large population of Iranians living in the
United States and Canada, people in Iran are affiliated and their relationship
and their love of Americans is displayed in all media. However, knowing that
the last two regimes governing Iran have been produced, or openly supported by
American government, it creates a love and hate empathy among Iranians.
Major disagreements from the Bush-era war on
terrorism and other foreign policy issues are at least partly to blame for
Spain’s 60% disapproval rating. Friendly, and submissive, relationship of
Spanish governments towards the United States does help such ratings. As the
language spoken in Spain is shared among almost all Americans countries south
of the United States, treatment of inhabitants of these countries influence the
way Spaniards view Americans.
The majority of the Dutch public, 59%, views
Americans as ignorant, fat, racist, and paranoid extremists. But, they hold out
hope that the U.S. isn’t just a home for these negative stereotypes. Many Dutch
citizens hope that these negatives will be shoved back into the dark holes they
crawled out of once Trump is out of office. Considering liberal attitudes in
Netherlands, which is not shared by average Americans, living expectations and
attitudes towards life and environment are very different among Dutch people.
Much U.S. attention has focused on Pakistan
since 9/11, and there is a continued military presence there that has resulted
in 59% to 65% of Pakistanis having an unfavorable view of Americans. Pakistan
was the base of the United States in preparing Taliban army to attack Soviets
in Afghanistan in 1970s and 80s. Taliban is a plural of “talabeh” which means a
student of religious studies. Such schools were created in Pakistan and
students were groomed to attack communist Soviets in Afghanistan. Pakistanis
lost many children during those years. The long-standing puppet governments in
Pakistan, while brutalizing poor and malnourished Pakistanis, creates a
negative approach towards the United States.
Since 2007, Congress has placed conditions on
annual aid to Lebanon. Such decisions have led to a 57% unfavorable
rating of Americans in the country. Lebanon is in the list of seven
countries to be invaded militarily by the United States, since the government
has not been fully supporting American policies in Palestine and elsewhere. It
is a unique government that changes its relationship towards the U.S. and puts
its inhabitants in constant alert with the policies it makes.
A majority of Argentineans do not trust the
U.S. to act responsibly in the world and give America a 57% unfavorable rating,
according to The Argentine Post. The legacy of Peron family is probably still
alive in Argentinian hearts. It is notable to acknowledge that Argentina is one
of the U.S.’s “strongest partners in Latin America”, and its government is very
much submissive to American demands, the neo-liberal government of corrupt
According to MarketWatch, Austria has a 55% disapproval rating of the
U.S. This rating may be as a result of such tendency towards Americans by
This primarily Muslim country has seen a major
escalation in negative perception, with a 54% disapproval rating. The
government is not religious and although most of the people are Muslims, the
government is one of the most democratic governments in the area.
Slovenians have a 54% negative view of the U.S.
primarily because they don't approve of its leadership. That may change
with Melania Trump, who was born in the country, serving as First Lady.
However, the political system in Slovenia is closer to Russia than the U.S.,
and that may cause a bitterness towards Americans.
Our northern neighbor’s 51% disapproval rating
stems mostly from their dislike of Donald Trump and his policies that directly
conflict with the country’s own. Canadians enjoy more benefits from their
government and being the neighbor of a rich, large, and at the same time a
bully government is not very convenient.
Similar to Canada, right down to the
disapproval score of 51%. Sweden views liberal Americans as having a “Sweden fetish” as they view it as a liberal wonderland. Donald Trump is
also heavily to blame with the alienation of this democratic country as well.
You’ll find he’s actually caused a lot of the rifts on this list to worsen over
his presidency. People living in Scandinavian countries, especially Sweden,
have a much more socialized economic system than Americans, and the disparity
between the rich and the poor is not comparable to that of the United States.
Over the past several years, escalating trade
issues with China has led to a 49% disapproval rating. China becoming a great
power in the world, is of course a thorn in the eyes of the American
government. As it was mentioned about Russia, United States government is
always looking for an enemy to justify its interventions into other countries,
and China easily fits the bill. China’s new strategy of a combination of
socialism and capitalism looks to be benefiting Chinese people, and annoying
other countries vowing for power. If the trend continues, China will complete
for number one economic power with the United States soon.
Australia’s 48% not favored rating can mostly
be chalked up to their dislike of President George W. Bush and President Donald
Trump. Most Australians believe that Americans ambition for power fuels both
white nationalists and anti-racist counter protesters in a confused medley of
different views fighting for dominance.
Does the anti-Islamic message in the propaganda
film Innocence of Muslims posted online by a U.S. resident, contributes to the
47% unfavorable view of America in Tunisia? No one knows. But evidently,
Tunisia’s relationship with the United States was supported by presidents after
presidents submitting to the United States wishes, until the uprising of 2011
which was sparked by a street vendor’s suicide and ended Ben Ali’s 23 years
Germans have a bit of a love/hate relationship
with the U.S. In spite of a 47% unfavorable rating, many Germans simultaneously
want to be admired by Americans. The winner of WWII was obviously United
States, and the country that lost the most by far was Germany. The fear of the
United States’ military power and the love of America, where a huge number of
Germans migrated to during and after WWII, are Germans’ feelings.
With a 47% unfavorable rating, only a little
over half of this South American country views the U.S. in a positive light. It
is a high rating for the country whose elected and popular president was
overthrown by American government in 1973, to be replaced by a dictator who
ruled the country with iron hands for over a quarter of a century. The purpose
of this brutal killing and American intervention was socialist views of
Salvador Allende, and in order for U.S. corporations to extract minerals from
Chile cheaply.
United States government claim of
exceptionality and indispensability was true after the downfall of the Soviet
Union, up to ten years ago, when new powers evolved. General Wesley Clark
disclosed Pentagon’s plan in March second of 2007, a comprehensive plan to
attack seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq and continuing with
Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finally ending with Iran ( The
priorities after attacking Iraq was changed, but the plan continued by
attacking Libya, Somalia, and Syria. However, the operation in Syria could not
be completed and the war continued to this day. Invasion of Lebanon, Somalia
and Iran was halted temporarily. Although United States supported different
Jihadi factions to attack Syria, while American and Israeli bombing continued,
US forces could not get rid of Assad’s regime, mainly due to the assistance by
Russian and Iranian governments. This means that United States’ global role, in
spite of the huge number of announced military bases around the world (and
several hundred unannounced), is diminishing and as people of other countries
learn about American government’s hegemony through military offenses, less
Americans are welcomed in their countries. This is of course not fair to
American people, as such policies of the government are widely disfavored by
American people as well. One of the main reasons that a character such as Trump
could defeat Clinton three years ago was Clinton’s war mongering posture and
Trump’s promise to halt all American military adventurisms. Of course his
tendency towards Russia and his anti-war slogans pushed him back by the hidden
government, headed by Pelosi and Mitchel, and even though he backed off from all
his election promises, he is still paying for it by the impeachment process.
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