اندیشمند بزرگترین احساسش عشق است و هر عملش با خرد

Sunday, June 14, 2020


Dr. Richard Wolff has received his undergraduate, graduate, and PHD from three most famous American universities. His field of study and the subject he teaches is economics, which may not seem to be out of ordinary at first. However, considering his studies in Marxist economy and communism in which he believes also, a taboo subject in any educational system in the United States, especially in economics department where only capitalist economy should be discussed, makes him very different, and one could imagine what a hard professional life he has been going through. Having great interest in his thoughts and vision, I follow his weekly discussion, along with his speeches and interviews. Yesterday, I saw an interview of him on the youtube, and when the interviewer claimed to be originally from Iran, I became more interested to watch it.
 Richard D. Wolff - WikipediaPatrick Bet-David – PHP Agency Education & Training
Patrick Bet-David who is the CEO of PHP Agency, Inc. conducts the interview. He has a mural of several white men behind him. The picture is edited to look as if those men are in conversation with each other. I tried to get a feeling of what this guy presents by such mural, but the combination was so far apart that it was hard to make sense out of it. Einstein is sitting across from Martin Luther King, both are known to have had liberal mind sets. In the middle is a picture of Abe Lincoln, whose fame stems from his agenda in freeing blacks from slavery, success of which can be measured by political environment of today in the United States, resulted from killing of George Floyd. He is sitting next to John F Kennedy, another American famous president who was also killed by gun while in the office. So far, we see pictures of those who are famous and liberal minded, whether a correct assumption or not, depends on liberal is defined. Then, on the left side of Lincoln, Milton Freedman is sitting next to the Shah! Considering the crimes of Milton Freedman with his economic theories (well explained by Naomi Klein in her famous book “The Shock Doctrine”), and the Shah with his well known history of being installed in power by the West and his crimes against the left in Iran, which was rightfully replace by the more vicious government of today, the combination of these people make one wonder what is the purpose behind it. There are three other people standing on the back, whose faces could not be distinguished. There are other pictures or statutes of the Hulk and the Joker and Batman, which are too ridiculous to analyze. Therefore, the visual surrounding would not explain much, except that either this guy is a genius trying to create a consensus among the Left and the Right, or he is a swindler making money by fooling others.
This program is called Valuetainment, which at first one would think what he means by value is spiritual significance or worth. By the end of the show it is clear that value means money. He starts by asking Professor Wolff if he could call him Rick. Then the interviewee is asked at this point, of course in a joking manner, why he hates the rich when his name is Richard, as if he had a choice in naming himself! As humble as Dr. Wolff is, he responds that many of his friends are rich and he has nothing against the rich, but against the system. Getting in a personal basis from very beginning is a benefiting tool, in order to make the person feel right at home and open up, which follows by asking him to talk about himself, his childhood and his career. Of course Dr. Wolff is an educator and would not seem to be distracted from his line of discussion, and his aim is educating those who falsely believe that wealth means happiness. He responds to each question accordingly, even when the question becomes so personal as to his children’s ideology and who cooks at home and whether his wife is a better cook or who decides about the paint and furniture of the house, in order to bring home the point that every organization needs someone on the top, whose knowledge is better than others, and therefore a workplace by communal consensus would not work. One thing that the interviewer claims, which is puzzling to say the least, when he talks about his past and how he and his family escaped after the revolution of 1979 in Iran, is what his father used to make when he owned manufacturing of some European cosmetic brands of Revlon and Max Factor. He said his father made $100K per month. It is probably with today’s value of dollar, and he probably meant the amount of the revenue of his father’s company, not the father’s earnings, which is still too high. This claim makes one wonder whether this guy’s other statistics and numbers were correct. He confronts his interviewee many times after the respond is made, sometimes by interrupting him in the middle of the point Wolff is making, such as the time they talk about the contrast between slavery and feudalism with capitalism.
The best part of the interview (actually debate) is when Dr. Wolff explains future of capitalism, monopoly. He explains why and how a capitalist venture becomes monopolistic, when Patrick asks him to give an example of a monopoly that exists today, and he gives two examples. Not still getting the nature and the causes of a monopoly, the interviewer keeps asking the same question, which Dr. Wolff doe not bother repeating himself, as he had already explained how a monopoly forms, and further explained that sometimes two or more monopolies agree to share the market, in the example of Amazon and Walmart. It came to my mind of my own experience with monopoly. I lived in the small town of Castro Valley in Northern California for the last decade of the 20th century. There was a coffee shop on Redwood road which was populated by working men and women every morning, from 6 to 8 for those who were on their way to work, and the rest of the day for others. The owner had been a prominent Castro Valley resident who started a small shop and was grown to accommodate many of the coffee drinking residents. People would spend about 5 to 15 minutes in the shop on their way to work daily, to get the latest news flash of the day. Many of the patrons got to know each other only by buying coffee every morning. The largest size coffee was one dollar, and even when someone bought a smaller size, the patron  would not collect the rest of his money, leaving it for the kids working there. In mid-nineties another coffee shop was opened in the same block, called Starbuck. The aroma of the coffee would emit from the new store, to cover several blocks over. Of course, the name of the store had already been advertised so many times, which our local store owner could not afford to do, and kept losing its customers. Our local store kept experiencing the loss of his decades old business, to the point that he could compete with the new store and closed it down.
After the show, I subscribed to valuetainment and checked other interviews. They were all debates for Patrick to make a point that his capitalist agenda and money making skims worked. Youtube presentations are also a part of the skim, showing that he can interview famous people from different walks of life. Patrick Bet-David is actually selling air and false hope. We are used to hearing people with unfulfilled claims, from presidents to showmen to entertainers. However, anyone with the same type of personality has a certain name in the country of his origin. That person is called a charlatan in Iran.

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