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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Arvind Dilawar – Israel Is Holding Thousands of Palestinians Captive — Including Children

August 21, 2024
A group of former fighters from Palestine and Israel plus active duty U.S. GIs announced last week why they decided to stop participating in war and urged U.S. military members to tell Congress to stop funding Israel's genocide in Gaza via the " Appeal for Redress v2."
 Israel tank overlooking southern Gaza picture shows a tank in southern Israel along the border with the Gaza Strip on January 19, 2024.
(Photo: Jack Guez/AFP via Getty Images)
The online news conference was organized by Veterans For Peace and featured a former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) special forces member, a young Israeli who just finished 85 days in jail for refusing to join the military, a former Hamas youth activist, and three active-duty U.S. military members who are awaiting discharge as conscientious objectors.
Elik Elhanan is a former special forces soldier in the IDF who, from 1995-98, served in south Lebanon, the West Bank, and Gaza. In 1997, his 14-year old sister was killed by a suicide bomber in Jerusalem. He joined Courage to Refuse in 2002, co-founded the Israeli-Palestinian group Combatants for Peace in 2005, and now serves on the board of American Friends of Combatants for Peace.
He said: "My service made it clear that violence became an end rather than a means. In nonviolence I found a language for community building that allows for self-expression and exchange, while engaging in fierce resistance against the hegemonic discourse." Elik received his PhD in Middle East studies from Columbia University and is currently teaching at City College, New York.
Sofia Orr, 19, spent 85 days in an Israeli military jail for refusing to join the Israeli Defense Force. Granted conscientious objector status and released in June, she wrote in her statement of refusal: "I refuse to enlist in order to show that change is needed and that change is possible, for the security and safety of all of us in Israel-Palestine, and in the name of empathy that is not restricted by national identity... I want to create a reality in which all children between the Jordan River and the [Mediterranean] Sea can dream without cages."
Ahmed Helou, now 52, lives in the West Bank and is a member of Combatants for Peace. He said: "I was born to a refugee family that was forced to flee from their home in 1948. Most went to Gaza while my parents fled to Jericho. They told me how Palestinians were killed right in front of them and how they passed by many bodies as they ran for safety."
"At 15, I was invited to join a group called Hamas, to fight for the freedom of my people. It was 1987, the First Intifada. I threw rocks and made Palestinian flags. In 1992, I was sentenced to seven months in an Israeli military prison as a political detainee. When my parents visited, they told me about the Oslo process and I couldn't stop thinking about how we could have another life."
"In 2004, a friend invited me to participate in a workshop with Israelis. I was shocked and angry. How could you ask me to meet my enemy who killed my people, took my land, and made me a refugee? By the fourth day, I found myself asking them, 'Are you really Israelis?' I had never met any who were not in uniform or carrying out violence–until then, I could not see their humanity. After the seminar, I wanted to know more about the 'other side,' to hear their stories, and understand them. Then I found Combatants for Peace."
"My wife and I have lost over 80 members of our extended family, including parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, and cousins in this war. My one remaining sister, Eman, and her five children are still alive. We are desperate to save them. Every day we awake in fear of what news will come. I hope I will be able to reunite with my sister and her family and be able to live together in peace, safety, and security. All we want is to live together without fear. We are scared for our children's lives and are doing all we can to protect them from the violence."
USAF Senior Airman Larry Hebert said: "As an active duty service member who joined believing our military was a force for good in the world, I'm horrified by the position of the United States government to fully support the genocide and occupation of civilians in Palestine. I'm also horrified by the true nature of war and its motives. The men and women who recognize their morals and beliefs and act on them are sometimes mistakenly taken as emotional. The truth is that having morals and standing firm on them is a sign of moral intelligence that many people seem to lack. Our complacency toward human suffering while seeing who profits from it is intolerable. I extend my heart to Palestine and those suffering from the country I used to have pride in. These are my views, not those of the Department of Defense."
USAF Senior Airman Juan Bettancourt said: "After 311 days, the death toll is appalling: nearly 41,000 innocent lives brutally taken, the majority women and children. Excruciating reports estimate a devastating total of 186,000 deaths, with almost 93,000 more suffering from severe injuries. Stories of widespread sexual violence, merciless executions, torture, and an endless list of war crimes flood the news, and yet our government remains apathetic to the suffering of Palestinians and the cries of millions calling for a lasting cease-fire and justice. As conscientious objectors, as advocates for peace and human rights, as service members with a shred of moral decency left in us, we adamantly refuse to be accomplices in this genocide. We demand an immediate, unilateral cease-fire and the cessation of all weapons transfers to the reprehensible state of Israel. These are my views, not those of the Dept. of Defense."
USAF Second Lt. Joy Metzler said: "As an active duty service member, I have been told repeatedly that military strength is the only way to counteract the threats we face in the world. But once again we see that violence, this time perpetrated by the Israeli government, only leads to death and destruction in an ever growing conflict. Hate begets hate, so I am calling for a cease-fire and an end to the growing humanitarian crisis in Gaza. These are my views, not those of the Dept. of Defense."
Mike Ferner, special projects coordinator for Veterans For Peace, said: "It is highly significant that former fighters from Israel and Palestine have joined American GIs to say, 'War is not the answer.' A growing number of GIs tell us they are disturbed about being in the military while our government funds the bombing of innocent people in Gaza. Now we can see that soldiers from all sides of this conflict are sickened by a war run by tyrants benefitting only weapons makers, that is both morally repugnant and violates U.S. laws with every weapons transfer to Israel."
Tiffany Goodwin-Van Camp, executive director of American Friends of Combatants for Peace, shared a message from the Combatants for Peace movement: "We refuse to be pitted against each other as enemies. We support peace, freedom, and dignity for all peoples between the river and the sea and an end to the occupation harming both Palestinians and Israelis. Our ultimate goal is collective liberation because we know that the fate of Israelis, Palestinians, and all of us is intertwined. Every day, CfP activists live out the values of nonviolence, empathy, and mutual recognition, holding each other's grief and pain. The trauma is endless and ongoing, but our community provides hope. It shows that another way is possible; that violence is not inevitable but a human choice that we can change. The only real solution is a hostage/prisoner deal now and a political agreement based on our shared humanity."
Civilian defense attorney James M. Branum said: "Too many service members are wrongly told by their commanders that they 'have no right' to speak out about what is happening in Gaza. This is not true as communications to Congress, such as the Appeal for Redress v2, are 'protected communications' under military regulations."
Bill Galvin, counseling coordinator at the Center on Conscience and War, said: "Our office has received calls from six new conscientious objectors in the past week. Some of them have said they feel complicit in the violence happening in Gaza. All of them have clearly said that participating in that conflict is morally wrong. That's why the Center on Conscience and War is supporting this Appeal for Redress."
Ariel Gold, executive director of Fellowship of Reconciliation, said: "Despite the pro-war hysteria that countries use to justify their military endeavors, conscientious objection remains a courageous option for those committed to peace. The Fellowship of Reconciliation supports resistance to war as we know that war is an abomination in the eyes of God and inherently unable to birth peace."
Diana Oestreich, a former Army combat medic in the Iraq War, was a conscientious objector and is development coordinator for Red Letter Christians. She said: "As soldiers we gave an oath to serve our country. Seeing the destruction in Iraq firsthand showed many of us our duty to be a conscience to our country. To stand up, instead of stand down, when lives and our country and faith's integrity is on the line. We are serving our country by refusing war. These military members today are following in the footsteps of courageous soldiers before them who are countering the failed narrative that we can bomb our way to peace."
To increase the awareness of this campaign among members of the military, civilian supporters of the appeal are encouraged to share it on social media and to ask peace and justice organizations to share it with their membership.
Initiated by active-duty military members, veterans, and G.I. rights groups, "Appeal for Redress v2" is modeled after the 2006 Appeal for Redress conducted during the highly unpopular occupation of Iraq, to allow GIs to tell their representatives they are opposed to U.S. policy.
Jamal Kanj
Israel escaped a certain military retaliation last week when Joe Biden hastily called to start a new round of ceasefire negotiations —a ploy likely succeeded in delaying a planned reprisals against Israel for its aggression in Tehran, Yemen, and Beirut.
Previously, the Palestinians have agreed to multiple revised American ceasefire proposals. Each time, however, Benjamin Netanyahu added new conditions forcing the resumption of negotiations back from the starting point.
On May 31st, the U.S. President announced what he called a comprehensive Israeli proposal, promising a “roadmap to a lasting cease-fire and the release of all hostages.” Yet, in less than 24 hours, Netanyahu dismissed Biden’s proposal as a “nonstarter,” insisting that his terms for ending the war remain unchanged.
Throughout its history, Israel have used the never-ending negotiation tactics as a Sisyphean amaranthine. In 1992, Yitzhak Shamir told the Israeli newspaper Maariv that his strategy during the Madrid talks was to negotiate “for 10 years and in the meantime, we would have reached half a million people (illegal Jewish settlers) in the West Bank.”
Three decades later, Israel has increased the population in the Jewish-only colonies in the West Bank far more than the half a million-mark, and still haggling with no end in sight, over the 1993 Oslo Framework. Today, there could be another 40,000 murdered Palestinian children while Israel negotiates Biden’s Framework on the ceasefire in Gaza.
This is not the perspective of a critic of Israel but rather the opinion of Netanyahu’s own Defense Minister. Yoav Gallant has reportedly told Israeli lawmakers in a private briefing that Netanyahu’s assertions of “absolute victory” in Gaza are “gibberish.” Former member of Netanyahu’s war cabinet, Benny Gantz, criticized the Prime Minister’s indecision regarding the ceasefire and exchange of captives, urging him to “be brave, for once.” The head of his Shin Bet (Israeli equivalent to American FBI) questioned Netanyahu’s commitment to the ceasefire negotiation.
Netanyahu’s own negotiating team has accused him of undermining the ceasefire talks. According to Israel’s Channel 12, a recent meeting between Netanyahu and his team escalated into a shouting match, with Netanyahu accusing them of being “weaklings” serving the interests of the Palestinian resistance.
The Biden Administration, therefore, should focus on mediating between Israelis to establish a definitive Israeli position, rather than allowing Netanyahu to continually waste time introducing new conditions after the Palestinians have agreed to a proposal. According to a report in AXIOS, an Israeli official complained that “Netanyahu wants a deal that is impossible to get.”
Zionist leader Nahum Goldman once remarked, “Diplomacy in the Middle East is the art of delaying the inevitable as long as possible.” The outcome of last week’s meetings in Doha has demonstrated, once again, how Israel has mastered this art. For Israel, negotiation is an end in itself—each meeting becomes a new opportunity to dawdle and haggle to delay an agreement.
Following the (failure) conclusion of the Doha talks, the White House announced that another meeting will take place in Cairo before the end of the week. Biden’s office claimed that “the path is now set. . . (for) de-escalating regional tensions.” In a move likely engineered by Washington, the Qatari Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs called Iran’s Acting Foreign Minister to discuss “the need for calm and de-escalation in the region.”
Since early this year, Qatar has been involved in over eight rounds of ceasefire discussions in Doha, Rome, Paris, and Cairo. However, this was the first time the Qatari official found it necessary to brief Iran’s acting foreign minister on the talks, raising questions about the timing.
So why now?
Possibly because Washington wants to convey a message—albeit a misleading—to Iran about supposed progress in the talks, dangling the proposed round of ceasefire negotiations to delay the Iranian retaliation, one more week.
As for the retaliation, the mere threat could serve as a cudgel to improve the Palestinian negotiating position. In reality, however, attempting to apply logic in this situation only emboldens an irrational person, like Netanyahu. He is probably boasting to his government partners about how he outsmarted the U.S. and others, while flaunting his ability to “Move America Very Easily” for the service of Israel.
Frankly, the Biden Administration’s position on the ceasefire seems even more submissive to Netanyahu than that of Israeli government officials. A case in point, the statement by Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, following his meeting with Netanyahu on Monday, claiming that Israel accepted a “bridging proposal,” is false, misleading and unbecoming of an “honest” mediator. The truth, it was more like the U.S. acceded to Netanyahu’s conditions on the ceasefire proposal.
Netanyahu has been able to drag the ceasefire negotiations because Biden appears to suffer from a form of abused victim syndrome, consistently prepared to adopt Netanyahu’s position even when displeased with it. Despite reportedly being unhappy with Israeli actions in Tehran and Beirut fearing that could lead to a larger conflict, yet, he rewarded Netanyahu’s government with a $20 billion military package, and rushed U.S. warships, fighter jets, air defense systems and submarines in position to defend Israel against possible Iranian retaliation. This came on top of the $14 billion in aid earlier this year to bolster Israel’s defense in a “multi-front war.”
Biden’s assertions after the Doha talks, that the ceasefire is “closer than we’ve ever been,” is red herring intended only to undercut potential reprisals against Israel. Biden’s primary concern is avoiding a broader war to protect Israel, not a Gaza ceasefire.
The ceasefire negotiations have stalled for eleven months because Biden’s approach is fundamentally biased for emphasizing the well-being of the roughly 100 Israeli captives (including U.S. citizens who became Israelis), over that of millions of Palestinians. It is biased and racist when America wages a proxy war against Yemen for blockading shipping to one Israeli port on the Red Sea, but allows Israel to starve 2.3 million Palestinians imposing a barricade cutting off all sea, land, and air access to Gaza.
As long as the 100 (Jewish) Israeli individuals are more equal than the over 10,000 Palestinian captives in Israeli dungeons, and the 2.3 million (Muslim and Christian) Palestinians in Gaza, Netanyahu will continue to use the ceasefire negotiations as a facade to perpetuate his genocide agenda. Meanwhile, Biden’s diplomacy serves as Netanyahu’s useful idiot constructing, alongside Arab vassal states, a mirage of hope to deter the past due retaliation against Israel.

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