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Saturday, August 31, 2024

Israeli army imposes siege on Hebron after double car bombing attack

August 31, 2024
The Israeli army has imposed a siege on the city of Hebron in the occupied West Bank after Palestinian resistance fighters carried out car bomb attacks against illegal Jewish settlements in the area late on 30 August.
 IDF troops examine the wreckage of a car bomb in the West Bank settlement of Karmei Tzur, early August 31, 2024. (Photo credit: Israel Defense Forces)
In response to the attack, the army temporarily closed the Ibrahimi Mosque and restricted worshipers from entering, invaded homes, and arrested many people indiscriminately. A video appeared on social media showing the Israeli army executing an unarmed Palestinian in the area.
Israeli media reported that two Palestinians were killed on Friday night while carrying out two separate operations on the settlements in the Gush Etzion area.
In the first incident, a car exploded at a gas station near the Gush Etzion junction. Israeli soldiers dispatched to the scene killed a Palestinian fighter who had arrived in the vehicle, and who attempted to attack them, the military said.
In the second incident, a Palestinian resistance fighter rammed a car through the entrance to the nearby settlement of Karmei Tzur. Israeli troops opened fire at the attacker. A member of the settlement's local security team used his own car to crash into him and kill him.
A short while later, the attacker's car exploded due to a bomb planted in it.
The commander of the Israeli army's Etzion Regional Brigade, Col. Gal Rich, was wounded by gunfire in the attack at the gas station, a military source said.
The General Authority of Civil Affairs informed the Palestinian Ministry of Health of the deaths of Muhammad Ihsan Yaqin Marqa and Zahdi Nidal Abu Afifa – the men who carried out the double operation – in the north of the city of Hebron.
Following the incidents, the Israeli army blew up part of Muhammad Marqa's family home in the Abu Rumman area of Hebron.
“Security forces continue to search the village of Karmi Tzur to rule out the suspicion of the presence of additional terrorists there,” the army spokesperson added.
Hamas and other Palestinian resistance factions issued statements on 31 August in support of the double operation. “The heroic double operation that took place tonight near the Gush Etzion and the Karmei Tzur settlements, north of Al-Khalil [Hebron], sends a clear message that the resistance will remain strong, persistent and ongoing as long as the brutal occupation and its aggression against our people and our land continue," a statement issued by Hamas said.
The statement added, "This qualitative operation carries symbolic significance due to its location in Khalil al-Rahman in the southern West Bank, and its timing, as it comes at a critical moment when we are witnessing the escalation of the occupation's aggression against the northern West Bank governorates, and its massacres and genocide in the Gaza Strip."
The Israeli army launched its biggest operation in the occupied West Bank in over two decades early on 28 August, raiding Jenin, Tulkarem, and Tubas with hundreds of troops and launching airstrikes on the three cities, considered major hotbeds of resistance in the territory.
The operation has focused mainly on Jenin and Tulkarem, but fighting is taking place in a number of other cities and areas of the northern West Bank.
Three Palestinian resistance fighters were assassinated in an Israeli airstrike near Jenin on 30 August, coinciding with a massive Israeli army operation across the occupied territory and fierce clashes within its refugee camps and streets.
In its statement Saturday, Hamas linked events in Gaza to events in the West Bank and called for Palestinians to be united in both parts of Palestine.
"This operation reaffirms to the occupation that it cannot isolate any part of the homeland, and that the heroic reservoir of our people and resistance in the West Bank will surprise the occupation at all times and places."
Israel's war on Hamas and the people of Gaza is now reaching its eleventh month. Israeli troops and bombs have killed over 40,000 Palestinians in Gaza, the majority women and children.
Israeli forces are continuing their assault on the northern West Bank city of Jenin and its refugee camp for the fourth consecutive day, WAFA news agency reported on 31 August.
Local sources reported that additional military reinforcements were deployed to the Jenin refugee camp Saturday, where Israeli troops raided homes, detained Palestinian men, and demolished structures in several quarters of the camp.
Al-Mayadeen's correspondent in the West Bank stated that Israeli troops have completely besieged Jenin camp and large parts of the city.
Israel's Channel 14 cited reports of a serious security incident in Jenin camp involving the use of RPG missiles for the first time by Palestinian resistance fighters against the invading Israeli soldiers.
Local sources reported that Palestinian resistance fighters ambushed Israeli soldiers in the Al-Damj neighborhood. Helicopters have been seen transporting the wounded from the ongoing battle.
The Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades – Jenin issued a statement saying, "Our valiant fighters on the battlefield continue to engage in fierce clashes with the Zionist enemy forces that have infiltrated all combat zones in the city of Jenin and its camp, using machine guns and explosive devices."
The Qassam Brigades, Hamas' armed wing, issued a statement on the fighting in Al-Damj, saying the Israeli army's "aggression on Jenin will have severe consequences. We reassure our people that the resistance, in all its formations in the West Bank, is in the best stages of coordination and integration."
The statement added that the Qassam Brigades and other resistance factions have "prepared themselves for prolonged days of confrontation and clashing."
WAFA added that Israeli soldiers have used military bulldozers to destroy streets and damage electricity and water infrastructure in both the city and the refugee camp.
Widespread water outages have affected large areas of Jenin and the camp due to the destruction of main water lines. Several neighborhoods in the Jenin refugee camp are facing power cuts after Israeli troops fired on main electricity generators.
Palestinian Red Crescent reported that Israeli forces opened fire on one of its ambulances despite prior coordination for the vehicle to enter Jenin camp.
In an interview with Sputnik, Jenin Governor Kamal Abu al-Rab said, "The brutal Israeli invasion of Jenin camp and city is still ongoing, as Israeli forces are besieging hospitals and systematically destroying infrastructure, including electricity and water."
He added that Israel seeks to destroy the West Bank as it is now destroying Gaza. Rab stressed that “what is happening is part of the Israeli settlement plan to annex the West Bank," change its demographics, and expel Palestinians from its refugee camps.
Israel's ongoing major operation in the northern West Bank is now largely focusing on the Jenin area after raids in Tulkarem and Fara concluded earlier this week.
The army claims its troops have killed at least 26 resistance fighters and detained 30 others since the beginning of the West Bank operation.
At least 600 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces and settlers in the occupied West Bank between the start of the war in Gaza on 7 October.

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