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Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The Saga of the American Dream

Sunday September 17, 2023https://youtu.be/vLkyULxrWiE?si=OsPWLY5v8OJNk97r
Today I watched the enclosed clip by the renowned Robert Reich, professor of Public Policies and Economics at UC Berkeley and I am profoundly moved by it. The concept he presents in this video is another reality check addressing a major shift upward in wealth accumulation and concentration of power in America in the hands of a few- the formation of the American oligopoly of a grave proportion. All at the cost of deprecation and income inequality among the masses across the nation. What’s happening out there in the American socio-politinomic system, to me, is reminiscent of the concept of the "bunny" in dog track races which is essentially a mechanical lure that moves around the track, always faster than the dogs can catch it. The dogs chase the bunny, but they never actually catch it because it's designed to stay ahead of them. This keeps the dogs motivated and engaged in the race, even-though they never reach the elusive bunny. It's a clever way to make the races exciting, keeping the bunny, symbolizing the America Dream, running a little faster than we can catch it.  While the dogs are entertaining the spectators, anecdotally, ‘the bunny is running home with the money!’ The sad irony of it all is that, the dogs never know the bunny isn’t real. Rober Reich intelligently and artfully in his YouTube channel ‘Inequality Media’ depict the fact that the American working class today, adjusted for inflation, are not better off than they were three decades ago. In April 2021, the wealth of the 700 US Billionaires far exceeded the wealth of bottom 50% of Americans. 

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