اندیشمند بزرگترین احساسش عشق است و هر عملش با خرد

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


 The most interesting films made, mostly for television, are about nature. Some of them only deal with animals and their lives, such as what kinds of animals live in which part of this planet. Then, the origin of their lives and their habitats are discussed in detail. Some other nature films are about plants in different regions of the world, and how climate change affects production, growth, development, and survival of such living organisms. Another series of these films deal with the formation of our world, and how this world came about several million years ago. In addition, the time of the first living organisms, and appearance and extinction of some of these organisms are discussed.

These days, our knowledge has progressed to such an extent that the delusions and superstitions of the past, which we have inherited in the form of belief, religion, tradition, cult, and creed, are no longer acceptable in our thoughts. Of course, these beliefs are tools for the rulers to subjugate their people much easier. It is for this reason that almost all the rulers believe in God, and they enforce this belief to the people under their rule by the power of police and military.

If we look at the books and articles that were published a century ago, we can clearly see the footprints of religions in those writings. Even those who introduce themselves as progressives, intellectuals, scientists, or experts in specialized and technological matters in their writings, glorify religions, and if not a certain religion, they would acknowledge their belief in God, which of course it is either due to their lack of knowledge or their fear. Although there are always exceptions in this case; from Democritus to Einstein. One of them is the greatest scientist of the late 20th and early 21st century, Stephen Hawking. He stated that those who believed in science knew that there were certain rules that were always followed in every case. Hawking recounted the opinions of others about the reason for the existence of these laws. For example, he stated that some believed that such laws were God's work, but the theory was in fact a definition of God instead of the proof of God. He also stated that each of us was free to believe in what we wanted, but it was safer for us to believe that He did not exist. In his 2002 book “The Theory of Everything- The Origin and Fate of the Universe”, Stephen Hawking declared that no one created the universe, and no one directed our destiny. He concluded that probably heaven and life after death never existed.

Some of the earlier mammals, those who survived dinosaurs, became our ancestors and we evolved from those who were able to also survive the Armageddon of millions of years ago. According to biologists, dinosaurs ruled the earth for the time much longer than the duration of the time humans have existed. Dinosaurs became rulers of the earth due to their physical strength. What made us superior to all other animals was our unique intelligence, which overshadowed other species. We may be weaker than many animals, as we have given up much of our strength and sensory abilities for superior intelligence. Our knowledge allows us to provide new technology, and build bombs and telescopes. This will constantly increase our strength till we begin using those bombs on each other.

We should be proud that we have been able to conquer the earth and all in it. What is holding us back now is no longer the superiority of other beings, but ourselves! Many animals do not have our good qualities, including cooperation, love, help, friendship, understanding, mercy, charity, and many other qualities. On the other hand, many of them lack the malicious qualities of humans, such as anger, superiority, laziness, theft, jealousy, terror, murder, and many others. Of course, it must be acknowledged that the collection of these good and bad qualities has helped us to become who we are now, the best of living entities. But the behavior of us humans with each other through war, murder, massacre, slaughter, and destruction can bring us down from where we are standing now, and cause the destruction of ourselves and our world.

Perhaps the lowest human trait is superiority. However, what has created our dominance and ascendancy is this sense of supremacy. Although the American government after the Second World War became a global power, and before that some European governments, and even before that some Asian governments including Iran, achieved such position, but their rise to such position transpired through bringing other governments down. Improper use of the national resources of weaker countries, enslavement of other races by force of arms and racial humiliation, all cause inequality between people. As a result, a few get rich at the expense of, or against the poverty of a nation. All such behavior stems from this sense of human superiority. This type of behavior generally manifests itself with racism, either openly like Nazism, apartheid, and Zionism, or not so openly as it is now prevalent in the West.

Animals also fight with their own species, but the ferocity of such behavior cannot be compared to that of humans, in terms of scope, duration and number. Some animals fight over prey. Of course, many animals not only share the prey with each other, but also attack the prey in a group and with each other's participation. Some animals whom we call herbivorous generally eat plants in groups, and they are usually not in favor of violence. War with the same species, in general, is prevalent among groups of carnivorous animals. Another difference that exists in the reason and philosophy of war and conflict between humans and animals is that animal combat is hand-to-hand, and usually does not result in the killing of one of the combatants, because the vanquished generally leaves the scene of battle upon recognizing the dominant force. In most cases, the opposite fighter does not chase the defeated, with the intention of killing him or her. But humans do not stop fighting until the enemy is destroyed. For this reason, the war of humans continues with careful planning and until the enemy's surrender.

The great majority of all living beings, humans and animals and some plants, are divided into two genders, male and female. It is clear that the reproduction of organisms takes place by and because of the fusion of these two genders. As it was already mentioned earlier, the progress and excellence of humans compared to other creatures was due to the size of the brain and intellectual quality. But in the beginning, what confirmed superiority was physical strength. We noted that mammals were able to assert their existence when a force stronger than them, the dinosaurs, vanished from the scene. Among the humans, the one who was physically stronger, the male, was in a higher position. In most human societies it has been observed that women have always been inferior to men, due to their smaller size. Although children are born with the participation of a man and a woman, and the one who nurtures a child inside her body for more than nine months, and with excruciating pain gives birth to the child, is a woman, but generally and in most societies, the father of the family plays a higher role in raising the child. In most cultures, a child takes the family name from the father (although children come out of the mother's womb) and in most cultures the father decides about a child’s future, while it is the mother who breastfeeds and raises the child. Of course, this tradition of patriarchy is merely in human societies, and in the vast majority of animals it is the mother who raises the child and brings it to maturity. Men are generally physically stronger than women, and it can be concluded that the historical reason for men to support the family is their physical strength.

We humans do not cooperate with nature, but our goal is to use it as much as possible, and as a result, abuse and trample nature. As it was mentioned earlier, although nature has gone through many periods, from the ice age of 2.5 million years ago, to global warming which is increasing every year, humans have survived until now. Through human evolution, what technology has brought to us are countless innovations that have made life easier, as technology has reduced the hard and physical work of humans. But this same technology has also brought new weapons, especially nuclear kinds. Such military advances, along with exploitation of nature, may lead to the loss of future generations, and as a result, make humanity extinct.

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