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Saturday, December 8, 2018

Questions from the Old Mighty

You believe in God and you may worship him in order to arrive in heaven after you die, and if you do, when in heaven please ask him why he created this world. Since I don’t believe in God, I will go to hell and will be in the company of Lucifer. However, God will be sitting on his throne in the heaven and would never check to see what is happening in hell, as he loves those who worship him, and sends the rest to the lower department managed by Satan. In fact, no one expects the head of a secret service to walk into its torture chamber. But the question that has been perplexing me is why God would create this world, and what purpose he originally had behind it. As a matter of curiosity, the more thought-provoking question is what he was doing before he created the world. Of course the usual answer to such questions has been “God works in mysterious ways and no one can and should try to delve into his mysteries.” However, whoever came up with such notion, also came up with Genesis and several such stories describing how it was at the beginning and how God created man. None of these stories go further back to disclose what was before the beginning, and how God kept himself busy, since there was no man on earth, and heaven and hell had no purpose to be built, and there was nothing. What were God doing then, and who and how He Himself, was created? We know there are wonders in the world, with the vast and almost unlimited universe and black holes and other mysteries our scientists have discovered. But these are mysteries as long as we have not solved them. Human beings have been puzzled by what we take for granted, such as day and night and flood and tornado and other natural elements. Some who were curious about all of these and other mysteries of the world used their imagination and created fairytales. But some investigated and found answers to many of these puzzles. More mysteries will be discovered as well, and the weaknesses of the society will be alleviated someday. However, if God is perfect, why did He make such a creation full of holes!

We know that our universe is 13.772 billion years old. How do we know it? It was calculated in a reverse order. Our universe is expanding. As soon as the rate of expansion was figured out, it was calculated in reverse. Our globe is 4.543 billion years old. This was discovered by studying birth of other worlds, in addition to geological discoveries. We have been on this planet for 3.7 billion years, discovered by geologists through meta-sedimentary rocks. It is estimated that there have been over five billion species on earth, 99% of which is extinct, and there is currently an estimation of 10 to 14 million species living, 1.9 million of which are categorized and named. With the extinction of dinosaurs, who feasted on mammals, human being was able to separate from other mammals about 200,000 year ago. Therefore, the advent of humans roaming the earth is an extremely recent event in comparison to the age of universe. Considering that God created everything for us, it seems to have taken Him a very long time after He designed the world, to create us and create a special place for us only, where we go after we die. Let us start with creation of the world. God created the world in six days and rested the 7th day. When you go to heaven, please ask God what he was doing before He created the world. And then, how He decided to create the world and for what purpose. And finally, why He needed to rest, as if creating the world was a tiring task and He needed to rest after His labor. God should be able to respond to these simple questions, which would provide everyone with a basic knowledge about God’s preoccupations and undertakings. If we are to obey God, we should have some knowledge of His thought process, and for what purpose He is expecting us to do what He is asking us to do. For instance; why is he male and not female, as in religious books of every gender base language, He is referred to as a man. When He responds to these basic questions, then we can inquire more of him:

    ·       Storms, tornadoes, earthquakes, natural disasters; what is the use of them? We perfectly know the scientific reasons behind each one of them, and some day we will be able to control them as well, but why did He create a world where we can live, but added all these obstacles hindering life? What is the purpose of all the viruses and bacteria and all those very little microscopic critters feeding on us and consuming us? As soon as human being is able to conquer an epidemic and mass killing disease, He sends a new one. Scientists spend years to find a cure for yellow fever, smallpox, cholera, malaria, typhus, polio, and then He creates cancer, aids, chikungunya, and many more diseases. Does He enjoy watching us suffer?! Why didn’t He create a life of joy? What are pains, sufferings, sorrows, anguishes, griefs, agony, torment, and torture for? Why not a life of mere happiness? We have seasonal flood, tornado, hurricane, cyclone, earthquake, and other natural disasters that threaten our existence. Since God created us and He created universe in order to serve us, why did he put us in such a shaky grounds? Literally? 

    ·        Chemicals in the air and axis of the earth and sun and other planets provide us with life, a small change in any of which would wipe out life on earth. We know that there are millions of asteroids and comets and meteors passing by our globe, some threateningly close. Although extinction of dinosaurs is a mystery, some blame it on an asteroid hitting the earth and creating such impact that it wiped out all the large animals, such as dinosaurs, from the face of our planet. Is there a possibility of another one of those huge rocks to hit our planet and to bring about our extinction? Even if we do not die off instantly, it may be such a colossal impact that it would tilt and change the present axis of earth, resulting a slow death. We have created weapons with such destructive capacities that can wipe out the whole earth in a blink of an eye. If the world was designed and our creation was planned, why are we allowed to develop something that can destroy all God’s creations overnight? Why God does not interfere with us killing each other and undoing what he designed and engineered, destroying our environment and plundering His beautiful enterprise? We are imaginative. We look at the sky, the moon and the stars, and we write poetry about them. We compare green valleys and pastures and colorful flowers with our emotions. We feel sympathy for others’ injuries and get excited for others’ joys and happiness. We are sociable and we need others to be around us and care for us, and we care for them. Then, and suddenly by an order from our leaders, we destroy lands in wars and kill each other to increase someone else’s wealth, while the same nature we were so sympathetic about is crushed under our heavy arms. Why has God created such a dichotomy and irreconcilable differences?

    ·        In order to survive, living things are required to consume other living things. We grow and eat vegetables, so do some vegetarian animals. We raise those vegetarian animals to eat them too. When dinosaurs roamed the earth, they used to eat mammals, and if we were around we would have been someone’s feast. Even now, if we appear near a lion or a tiger den, we may have the same destiny. It is so painful just to imagine that some animal puts a human head between his jaws and breaks the prey’s neck with his teeth. I am sure many of our ancestors had such endings. What is the purpose of the circle of life? There is such an array of universes out there with such a beauty that if we had enough time, we could enjoy discovering and visiting all of them. Intelligent animals are discovered to have the same curiosity about the world around them as we humans do. As the most intelligent being, we could be leading all other interested animals while discovering other worlds. We are making more efficient machines which would enable us to travel far from our earth. Someday the technology would enable us to travel any place outside of our Milky Way that we desire to, although our physical body is not built for that. By that time, we may be able to get through this impediment as well, but for the time being it seems impossible. We may find other universes with other living things, may be in a different form or shape. Would those living things eat each other in order to survive too? If God created this world for us, why don’t we have enough time and resources to visit all of it? In addition, the idea of continued existence by ending another being’s life seems to be a gross and a sick idea. Hopefully God can explain the purpose behind it.

     ·        Receiving the most out of his or her life is a human pursuit. Receiving more than one’s share, and not sharing what one has with others, and trying to get what belongs to others is the mission of a minority group. However, such minority groups, because of the accumulation of wealth, become leaders, dictators, so-called elected officials and as a result, they force themselves to the top of the pyramid in their society. It does not even stop there since they extend their reach to other communities and societies as well. Sometimes a different ideology, color of skin, belief system, or way of life becomes an appropriate device in overreach and encroachment into other territories. Slavery, which was openly exploiting others until a century ago, has continued although in different shapes and forms. The rich minerals of Congo are necessary for our advanced equipment such as cell phones and laptops, and by installing a corrupt leader and furnishing him arms to the teeth, Congolese people are enslaved in mines in order to supply Apple, Microsoft, Tesla, Toyota, and other companies with much needed cheap raw materials for their products. Doesn’t God mind that all countries which are rich in minerals live in poverty, such as African and Middle Eastern countries, while Western countries not only steal their raw materials, but also steal their most educated and sharp individuals? 

     ·        Why so many prophets and holly men with different messages? It is true that religions were born in the East, where countries were more progressed at the time, while they experienced nomadic lives in the West. Therefore, it needed a more advanced society to develop such an idea as a systematic religion, while other societies worshipped idle or some sort of natural phenomena as Gods. Why is religion such a striking instrument for exploiting others? If God oversees everything, why doesn’t he interfere with people’s worshipping wrong Gods and in fact, introduces himself to everyone? Isn’t that a better way to encourage faith?

   ·   Why are religious stories and God’s guidance in religious books so elementary? I will not go through them, some of which look like fairy tales with sad endings! Let us review the beginning and story of Adam and Eve in Genesis. The first creations with Eve coming out of Adam’ rib, while females are the source of multiplication, sounds deliberately male chauvinist. This is just the beginning of all rudimentary creation stories, which is the base of all Abrahamic religions. The same illogical stories appear in other religions as well. Take for instance Buddha, who was born into a royal family, but considers life unsatisfactory and it has to be repeated in continuous rebirth until Nirvana is attained. Therefore, the only life that we are sure of becomes useless, and it is supposed to be spent on religious practices the whole life long. That is the base in all South Asian religions, with rebirth or reincarnation tales in variation. Looking at other Islamic, Biblical, and stories in other major religions, it is clear that none was written by someone with a scientific or a well-informed mind. It becomes in fact curious that religion in its most advanced form was created in the most advanced societies. There could have been some skeptics in those periods as well, but their ideas never materialized, or were destroyed by those in power who benefited from religions. The oldest persons who questioned institutionalized religions whom also we know, was Democritus. If this life is not valuable and some other lives are important, what is the purpose of this and why are we not informed of the plans in its entirety.

     ·        Life span of human being and other living things is limited and they all come to life one day, and die the other. Why is that? Instead of giving birth to new ones and then dying, why didn’t He create a world full of young people to live forever and stay the same age? Doesn’t that sound more logical? It sounds from the scriptures that Adam and Eve were created as mature people who roamed the heaven for several centuries. Of course not obeying God’s rules and eating what He had forbidden, no matter how childish the cause sounds, should banish them from heaven. It seems like sending His creations to earth was a punishment for not obeying the orders, meaning that the life that we have is a punishment for the deeds of our forefathers. Perhaps that is the reason that life is so harsh at times. First of all, human babies would not survive if they are not tended to and cared for by adults. Then, throughout our lives we have to fight with all the diseases mentioned earlier. By the time we are adults, we have survived more than hundred epidemics and sicknesses and diseases. Then, we confront all the living problems and obstacles (job, family, society) that we have to overcome. The funny thing is that after all of these, and in order to be able to go to heaven after life, we have to pray to God, thanking him for all of that, ask his forgiveness for something that our forefathers did supposedly thousands of years ago, and be glad that the creator is humble, compassionate, and merciful. No reasonable person would be able to reconcile with this contradiction. When we die young, everyone wails and cries and weeps for us. When we get very old and still living and act like a child and people around us have to take care of us, they wish us dead. What is the reason for aging and metamorphism? We keep changing shapes and looks and features as we grow up. As a child, one does not think properly due to lack of knowledge and experience. When we are teenagers or youngsters, our libido controls us. The age of maturity and knowledge is very short, because soon after, old age makes us act like children again and dependent on others. Why doesn’t knowledge and experience transfer genetically? Why isn’t life continuous?

When in heaven, ask God that it seems to everyone that He works in mysterious ways. But it sounds illogical and those mysteries don’t add up. It seems that human being has made two fatal inventions; God and government. Otherwise, humanity would have been extended much longer than what it is now, livable nature for living things would have lasted longer, and scientific discoveries would have been achieved earlier. While asking all the above questions, don’t forget to ask God this simple question about his adversary, the devil, a question that was asked thousands of years ago by Epicurus. The question he raised was whether God was not able to prevent the devil from deceiving man. The idea does not sound right since the mighty God who created the devil Himself would be unable to undo the devil. Not only that, but why the devil was the devil created in the first place! After you arrive in heaven, and after rendering all religious practices before God, please ask Him these questions. And so help you God.

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