Love has been the common expression, main subject, and the most popular word used in poetry worldwide. It has also been the subject of many other forms of art, such as painting, sculpture, novels, music, and films.
اندیشمند بزرگترین احساسش عشق است و هر عملش با خرد
Saturday, November 28, 2009
عشق از پر استفادهترین واژههای به کار رفته در شعر است. همچنین موضوع اصلی در هنرهای دیگر از جمله نقاشی، پیکر تراشی، نویسندگی، موسیقی، و سینما است. البته مهم است که عشق ابراز شده برای یک شخص، یک چیز، یک موقعیت، یا یک موضوع کاملا انتزاعی (مثل آفریدگار ) باشد.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Many celebrations are seasonal, related to cultivation and farming, which signify preparing the land for plowing, seeding and planting, growing, and harvesting.
روز شکرگذاری
خیلی از اعیاد به دلیل ارتباطشان با کشاورزی از جمله کاشتن، پرورش دادن، و درو کردن، فصلی هستند. برداشت محصول همیشه بزرگترین جشنها را به همراه داشته است که به دلیل اتمام تلاش سالیانه کشاورزی است.
Friday, November 13, 2009
هرودوت مورخ یونانی از شهر هالیکارناسوس در قرن پنجم پیش از میلاد میزیست (از سال ۴۸۴ تا سال ۴۲۵ پیش از میلاد). در کشورهای غرب او را به عنوان پدر تاریخ میشناسند. او اولین تاریخ نویسی بود که بطور منظم تاریخ را ثبت، واقعیت اطلاعات را آزمایش، و به طرز چشمگیری آنها را تنظیم میکرد. شهرت او بیشتر برای نوشتن کتاب هیستوری است, که کلمه هیستوری لاتین به معنی تاریخ از این واژه گرفته شده است. هرودوت در این کتاب تاریخ جنگهای ایران و یونان را ثبت کرده است
تاریخ چیست؟ آیا تاریخ یک واقعیت مسّلم است یا یک رشته نظریه؟ با مطالعه وقایع تاریخی مثل ظهور و سقوط امپراتوریهای روم، یونان، و ایران، تفتیش عقاید قرون وسطا، انقلابات فرانسه و صنعتی، جنگهای جهانی، بیماریهای واگیر عمومی، حوادث طبیعی، اکتشافات بزرگ، و سایر حوادثی که دنیا را تغییر دادهاند به این سوالات میتوان پاسخ داد. ممکن است بعضی از اتفاقات که ثبت نشده اند اما نشانه های علمی دارند مثل بیگ بنگ، نابودی دایناسورها، و تحول اجتماعی را واقعهٔ تاریخی دانست. بطور کلی هر چیزی که در گذشته اتفاق افتاده و تاثیر عمیقی بر انسان و جهان گذاشته است تاریخ است. این نکته ضروری است که حرفی که توسط شخصی گفته شده صرفا نظر آن شخص است. شواهد و یا مدارک تاریخی همیشه قابل مطالعه وبررسی اند. موارد بیشماری ثبت شده است که بیگناهیِ شخصی که متهم به یک جرم بوده است، بعد از سالها زندانی یا گاهی بعد از اعدام او ثابت شده است. شما میدانید ده دقیقه پیش چه کرده اید، اما نظر من در مورد اینکه شما ده دقیقه پیش چه کرده اید فقط یک نظر است. حتا خود شما مطمئن نیستید که هر لحظه چه کرده اید، چه برسد به خاطرات بیست سال قبل. اشخاص با توجه به حضور ذهن خود اطلاعات بیشتر و یا کمتری از گذشته دارند. هر چه بیشتر در زمان به عقب بر میگردیم، جامعه و عناصر آن از ما دورتر میشوند، و خاطرات ما بی رنگتر میگردند.مدارک کمتر و اطلاعات کمتر احتمال واقعیت یک حادثه تاریخی را نیز کمتر میکنند. صحت تاریخی اطلاعات را بر سه منبع زیر میتوان دسته بندی کرد
هر شخصی هر چقدر هم خاطراتش خوب نباشد، بهتر از هر شخص دیگری میتواند اتفاقات مربوط به خود در گذشته را (مثلا بیست سال پیش) به خاطر بیاورد
دومین شخص مطلع از یک اتفاق کسی است که شاهد آن اتفاق بوده است
نفر سوم کسی است که در موقع اتفاق حضور نداشته است ولی اطلاعات او به اندازهای است که میتواند وقوع آن اتفاق را از روی شواهد و مدارک باز سازی کند. این اطلاعات شامل مصاحبه با شهود، مطالعه یادداشتهای شهود، مطالعه مدارک و تاثیر اتفاق بر محیط (مثل مدرک جرم یا فسیل) میباشد. بنابر این، تاریخ چیزی نیست جز نظریه و فرضیه؛ بعضی نظریات و فرضیهها قویتر از دیگران است. بهترین طریق ثبت یک اتفاق تاریخی با مشاهده (ثبت روی نوار) و تصویر برداری آن بطور کامل است. داشتن یک نمونه البته به طرح نظریه کمک میکند. همچنین تحقیق و مصاحبه و یا مشاهدهٔ شواهد, تاریخ نگری را به واقعیت نزدیکتر میکند. طبری برای جمع آوری تاریخ خود شاگردانش را نزد کسانی که اجدادشان زمان پیغمبر و خلفا و امامان بودند فرستاد تا از ذهنیت تاریخی آنها استفاده کند. این حقیقت یابی در زمان خود یگانه بود، که تاریخ او را ام التواریخ لقب داد
قدیمیترین سند ثبت شده تاریخی چیست؟ نقاشیهای روی غار در اروپا حدود بیست تا سی هزار سال عمر دارند. قدیمیترین تاریخ مکتوب باید بعد از زمانی باشد که نوشتن اختراع شد. تا زمانهای اخیر، قدیمیترین تاریخ مکتوب مربوط به سومر (عراق فعلی) میشد. سنگ نبشتهای ۵،۲۵۰ ساله از یک دره در بیابانهای مصر کشف شده که احتمال میرود که مربوط به دورهٔ امپراتوری سکرپین باشد. کاشفان این سنگ نبشته حدس میزنند که قدیمترین اثر تاریخی باشد. علاوه بر آن، آنها معتقد هستند که نوشته ها بسیار شبیه به هیرگلیف هستند, که بعدا اخترع شد.این سنگ نبشته که به مساحت ۴۵ در ۵۰ سانتیمتر است، به وسیلهٔ جان کلمن درنل از دانشگاه یل، و همسرش دبورا درنل که هر دو دیرین شناس هستند، در سال ۱۹۹۵ میلادی زمانی که مشغول مطالعه راههای تجارتی در غرب نیل بودند کشف شد
تاریخ وقایعی را که به وجود آمدن کهکشان و اولین موجود انجامیده تشریح میکند. تاریخ اخیر وقایعی را که موجب شد بشر به موقعیت فعلی برسد توضیح میدهند. متاسفانه بیشتر تاریخ بوسیله حاکمان نوشته شده و داستان جنگهای آنهاست، نه مردم عادی. صفحات تاریخ نشان میدهند به چه صورتی ما تحول پیدا کردیم. از تاریخ یاد میگیریم که با همهٔ اعتقادات خرافی و جرائم مختلف چگونه انسان سریعاً پیشرفت علمی میکند. افکار ما به سمت بهبودی همگانی جریان پیدا میکند. زمانی که ما در فکر بر آوردن احتیاجات تمام جامعه هستیم، در آن زمان دموکراسی قابل تحقّق است. علوم گذشته همراه با نظریات تاریخی بهترین وسیله برای پیشبرد فهم اجتماعی است. بدون توجه به تجربیات تاریخی گذشته هر کوششی برای تحقّق دمکراسی بی نتیجه است. وقتی که اتم توسط دمکریتوس در ۲۵۰۰ سال پیش نظریه پردازی شد، اهمیت آن تا قرنها نهفته بود. انتخاب طبیعی دریچه ای را باز کرد که طوفانی از دانش وارد شد و سالها طول خواهد کشید که تاثیر آن کاملا ظاهر شود. رایانهها آن چنان به صورت پیشرفت کردند که نمیتوان تصور کرد. اطلاعات الکترونیکی آن چنان پیشرفت کردند که هر لحظه اطلاع جدید به دست میاید (نرم افزارهائی روی رایانهها نصب میشوند که از ورود اطلاعات نخواسته جلوگیری میکنند). نقشه ژنها کشیده شدند و خیلی از بیماریها در
نطفه از بین میروند. دی . ان . ا. کاملا شناخته شده است و از آن برای امور علمی از جمله شناسایی استفاده میشود. تمام این پیشرفتها جهت بالا روند جامعه را نشان میدهند. تاریخ، چه داستان پادشاهان و خواجهها باشد یا اخترات و کشفهای علمی به منظور یادگیری از تجربیات گذشته و سازمان دادن به آنها برای مطالعه راههای رسیدن به هدفهای آینده، ضروری است
Herodotus of Halicarnassus was a Greek historian who lived in the 5th century BC (484 BC – 425 BC). He is regarded as the "Father of History" in Western culture. He was the first historian known to collect his materials systematically, test their accuracy to a certain extent and arrange them in a well-constructed and vivid narrative. He is almost exclusively known for writing The Histories (a word that passed into Latin and took on its modern meaning of history) a record of his "inquiries" into the origins of the Greco-Persian wars.
What is history? Is history a concrete fact or a chain of logical theories? We can examine this question by reviewing historical events, such as the rise and fall of Romans, Greeks, and Persians empires, inquisition in church dominated middle ages, the period of French and industrial revolutions, world wars, great epidemics, natural disasters, great discoveries, and other events that shaped the world. We may even consider unwritten/ discovered artifacts and evidence that began with a hypothesis (later to be proved as a fact) such as the big bang, disappearance of dinosaurs, and evolution, as history. In general, everything that happened in the past and has life shaping effect on the world and human, can be considered useful history. However, we have to be careful that a statement that is expressed by someone is merely that person’s perspective. A witness or a concrete evidence does not exist and an evidence or a witness is always in question. How many cases of criminal convictions do we know in which more evidence were brought forward later that the convicted or the executed criminal was proven to had been innocent, or at least the certainty of the crime became questionable? Therefore, it is important what is reliable history. Reliability has a direct correlation with the timing and source of the event. You know what you did ten minutes ago, but whatever I think what you did ten minutes ago is nothing but theory and speculation. Even you, yourself, cannot account for everything you do in every moment, set aside thinking about what you have done 20 years before. Knowledge of the past is more or less accurate depending upon the individual’s knowledge in relation to a certain event. As further back we go through time, the more distant the accuracy of our information would be, as the society and those living in that society become more removed from us. Less evidence and fewer documents would result in deficient information as well. We can summarize levels of accuracy of sources of data as following:
1) No matter how foggy the memory is, a person would know what he or she did in the past (say 20 years ago) more than anybody else who was present at the time of the event.
2) The second most knowledgeable person about that event would be the one who witnessed it, experimented it, or somehow had a close understanding of it.
3) The third knowledgeable person would be the one who was not present at the time of the event (say something that happened millions of years ago) but he or she could gather enough information, data, and evidence to build a theory about it. This information includes interviewing witnesses, reading notes or memoranda of the witnesses, examining the effect or the influence of the historical event on surroundings that can be compiled and examined today (such as crime evidence, DNA testing, fossils examination), and finding tested to be accurate artifacts and documents. Therefore, history is nothing but speculations and theories; some stronger and some weaker (with more or less evidence). The best historical evidence is observation (recording auditory or visually or both) and documentation (writing about the event in detail). It is also helpful to have some physical evidence, such as a sample. Investigation and interview of the witnesses have been proven useful. The history that Tabari wrote, especially the section related to the prophet and his followers was systematically organized by sending his pupils to interview descendants of those who lived at the time of the prophet and his followers, and socialized with them. His fact finding style was unique for the time, to call his book justifiably “the mother of histories”.
What is the oldest historical record? We have cave art that dates back to 20,000 to 30,000 years ago. Of course, the oldest written historical document had to be after 'writing' itself was invented. Until recently the oldest historical record had been the one discovered from Sumer (present day Iraq), appointing Sumerians inventors of writing. Carved in the limestone of a desert cliff in Egypt is a 5,250-year-old tableau of a victorious ruler, perhaps the so-called King Scorpion. The archaeologists who discovered the tableau say it may be the world's earliest historical document. More than that, they say, the inscribed scenes and symbols bear a strong resemblance to later hieroglyphs. The tableau, measuring 18 by 20 inches, was discovered in 1995 by John Coleman Darnell, a Yale Egyptologist, and his wife, Deborah Darnell, also a specialist in Egyptian archaeology, while they were surveying ancient trade routes in the desert west of the Nile.
History discloses events that explain formation of galaxy and origin of the first organism. Recent recorded history describes human actions in progressing to the present stage. Unfortunately, most of the history contains stories of kings and emperors and those with military power, not the populace. Reading pages of history explains how rapidly we have been evolving. We learn from history that with all the supernatural beliefs and all the crimes committed and criminals ruling nations, human being has been rapidly excelling, culturally and scientifically. Our thoughts are narrowing down to the direction of welfare of all. When we aim at satisfying the needs of all, we can achieve the democracy. Science of the past combined with historical theories are the best tools to guide us through a bright path that increasingly improves on the human understandings. Without the knowledge and understanding of the past events and their outcomes, any struggle in democratization of societies would be in vain. When atom was theorized by Democritus 2500 years ago, the impact of that was not known for hundreds of years. Natural selection concept opened a window that led a storm of knowledge in, that will take years to digest it all. Computing machines have advanced so rapidly that we cannot find any technology improving so fast. Information system has grown so quickly that we can no longer avoid being bombarded with information every minute (many software applications are written as a shield to protect us from un-wanted information). Map of genome was organized and biology has advanced so much that many health problems can be detected and fixed at its roots. DNA classification has become a common practice, and it is used for identification purposes, as well as other scientific reasons. All of these advancements in science, that have been achieved using the historical documents in learning experimentations and observations of predecessors, represent the trend of the society. Any part of the history, whether scientific discoveries or stories of kings and eunuchs are necessary in order to organize our thoughts in studying ways to achieve our goals in the future.
What is history? Is history a concrete fact or a chain of logical theories? We can examine this question by reviewing historical events, such as the rise and fall of Romans, Greeks, and Persians empires, inquisition in church dominated middle ages, the period of French and industrial revolutions, world wars, great epidemics, natural disasters, great discoveries, and other events that shaped the world. We may even consider unwritten/ discovered artifacts and evidence that began with a hypothesis (later to be proved as a fact) such as the big bang, disappearance of dinosaurs, and evolution, as history. In general, everything that happened in the past and has life shaping effect on the world and human, can be considered useful history. However, we have to be careful that a statement that is expressed by someone is merely that person’s perspective. A witness or a concrete evidence does not exist and an evidence or a witness is always in question. How many cases of criminal convictions do we know in which more evidence were brought forward later that the convicted or the executed criminal was proven to had been innocent, or at least the certainty of the crime became questionable? Therefore, it is important what is reliable history. Reliability has a direct correlation with the timing and source of the event. You know what you did ten minutes ago, but whatever I think what you did ten minutes ago is nothing but theory and speculation. Even you, yourself, cannot account for everything you do in every moment, set aside thinking about what you have done 20 years before. Knowledge of the past is more or less accurate depending upon the individual’s knowledge in relation to a certain event. As further back we go through time, the more distant the accuracy of our information would be, as the society and those living in that society become more removed from us. Less evidence and fewer documents would result in deficient information as well. We can summarize levels of accuracy of sources of data as following:
1) No matter how foggy the memory is, a person would know what he or she did in the past (say 20 years ago) more than anybody else who was present at the time of the event.
2) The second most knowledgeable person about that event would be the one who witnessed it, experimented it, or somehow had a close understanding of it.
3) The third knowledgeable person would be the one who was not present at the time of the event (say something that happened millions of years ago) but he or she could gather enough information, data, and evidence to build a theory about it. This information includes interviewing witnesses, reading notes or memoranda of the witnesses, examining the effect or the influence of the historical event on surroundings that can be compiled and examined today (such as crime evidence, DNA testing, fossils examination), and finding tested to be accurate artifacts and documents. Therefore, history is nothing but speculations and theories; some stronger and some weaker (with more or less evidence). The best historical evidence is observation (recording auditory or visually or both) and documentation (writing about the event in detail). It is also helpful to have some physical evidence, such as a sample. Investigation and interview of the witnesses have been proven useful. The history that Tabari wrote, especially the section related to the prophet and his followers was systematically organized by sending his pupils to interview descendants of those who lived at the time of the prophet and his followers, and socialized with them. His fact finding style was unique for the time, to call his book justifiably “the mother of histories”.
What is the oldest historical record? We have cave art that dates back to 20,000 to 30,000 years ago. Of course, the oldest written historical document had to be after 'writing' itself was invented. Until recently the oldest historical record had been the one discovered from Sumer (present day Iraq), appointing Sumerians inventors of writing. Carved in the limestone of a desert cliff in Egypt is a 5,250-year-old tableau of a victorious ruler, perhaps the so-called King Scorpion. The archaeologists who discovered the tableau say it may be the world's earliest historical document. More than that, they say, the inscribed scenes and symbols bear a strong resemblance to later hieroglyphs. The tableau, measuring 18 by 20 inches, was discovered in 1995 by John Coleman Darnell, a Yale Egyptologist, and his wife, Deborah Darnell, also a specialist in Egyptian archaeology, while they were surveying ancient trade routes in the desert west of the Nile.
History discloses events that explain formation of galaxy and origin of the first organism. Recent recorded history describes human actions in progressing to the present stage. Unfortunately, most of the history contains stories of kings and emperors and those with military power, not the populace. Reading pages of history explains how rapidly we have been evolving. We learn from history that with all the supernatural beliefs and all the crimes committed and criminals ruling nations, human being has been rapidly excelling, culturally and scientifically. Our thoughts are narrowing down to the direction of welfare of all. When we aim at satisfying the needs of all, we can achieve the democracy. Science of the past combined with historical theories are the best tools to guide us through a bright path that increasingly improves on the human understandings. Without the knowledge and understanding of the past events and their outcomes, any struggle in democratization of societies would be in vain. When atom was theorized by Democritus 2500 years ago, the impact of that was not known for hundreds of years. Natural selection concept opened a window that led a storm of knowledge in, that will take years to digest it all. Computing machines have advanced so rapidly that we cannot find any technology improving so fast. Information system has grown so quickly that we can no longer avoid being bombarded with information every minute (many software applications are written as a shield to protect us from un-wanted information). Map of genome was organized and biology has advanced so much that many health problems can be detected and fixed at its roots. DNA classification has become a common practice, and it is used for identification purposes, as well as other scientific reasons. All of these advancements in science, that have been achieved using the historical documents in learning experimentations and observations of predecessors, represent the trend of the society. Any part of the history, whether scientific discoveries or stories of kings and eunuchs are necessary in order to organize our thoughts in studying ways to achieve our goals in the future.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Film Review
After a month of screen play, I finally got an opportunity to watch the movie “Capitalism: a love story”. I have heard a lot about it through media. Like all other Michael Moore’s movies, it is a controversial fact finding episode. Towards the end, election of Obama is shown with fanfare. Therefore, if we assume Obama (who is at the head of capitalism worldwide) the center point of the controversy, my perception is that people on the left of the president see this movie eagerly, and those on his right (perhaps including Obama himself) ban it! Moore's movies usually appeal to certain group of viewers, however this one is not as strong as his other projects. Michael Moore mentioned in an interview once that his views and the conclusion he intended to make had sometimes changed in the midst of some movie projects. For example in ‘Bowling for Columbine’ he stated that the conclusion he had in the screenplay was totally changed after some interviews for the movie. In ‘Capitalism: a love story’, it seems from the direction of the film that he had to make several adjustments to his original plan throughout making the film as well. It is not clear whether he is examining capitalism versus other “isms” (which he mentions once) or he is investigating those in the service of this system. Whatever the case may be, I do not think the title is appropriate.
The movie starts with a warning from an old clip that ‘the content may not be suitable for people with weak heart’. This style of humor continues throughout the movie, that is necessary after watching people’s calamities with insurance, jobs, salaries and housing. While we are reading the titles, some clips of bank robberies are played in the background. This sets up the genre of the movie which is about robbery. The bank robbery we witness is explained in reverse through the rest of the movie, meaning that the robbers are banks and large corporations and especially those who received bail out mondy, and the banks being robbed in the clips are American people. Some statistics are flashed at the beginning which indicates what the rest of the movie will be about. The rise and fall of Roman Empire is compared with today America. This is the only part of the movie that goes further than capitalism, and into imperialism. It reminds us of the book by David Mason titled: ‘The End of American Century’ where he discusses the rise and fall of US imperialism. Homes being foreclosed by banks, corporations cashing on the life insurance of their deceased employees, businesses closing and leaving their employees jobless, salary reduction (in the case of airline pilots) are themes of the movie. Wall Street, hobnob of capitalism, is investigated and their scams in making more money, such as derivatives, are discussed. We also see stock market being changed into a betting scheme like a casino game, introducing new gimmicks in guessing stock fluctuations in order to make more money. Michael Moore’s comic routine of trying to interview people in power who refuse to talk to him, citizen arrest, bringing money bags to banks to get people’s money back, and enclosing financial institutions with the “scene of the crime” tape derails his serious and thoughtful points from an investigative reporting to an entertaining show. Throughout the movie, the idea that rich is getting richer and poor is getting poorer and the widening gap and disparity between the rich and the poor is portrayed. Government institutions elected by people, such as congress, are also approached, and willing representatives are interviewed. The verdict is that our elected officials are either corrupted and bought out by big corporations, or they are a part of the dealing and wheeling with those government officials who represent large corporations and wealthy individuals. Of course in congress, like other government institutions, there is also a minimized, outcaste, and disabled minority. The movie shows clips of some demonstrations against financial institutions and the bail out, people’s resistance to leave the house they are evicted from, and closed down factory employees sit in. The final message of ‘Capitalism: a love story’ is for people to rise up to get their houses, jobs, and investments back.
The case that Michael Moore is making is not examining all the ills of capitalism as a political and economic system, but what it does to people when capitalism is unleashed and unregulated. He starts with a home made video clip of half a dozen police cars driving and forcefully entering a house by breaking the lock, with an order from the bank to evict residence of that house. The law is on the side of the capitalist system. This theme continues throughout the movie showing large businesses buying government officials directly, or through contributions (to Obama’s election campaign for instance). The movie does not show problems with a capitalist system, but a corrupted capitalist government. It also shows the good old days of the previous generation when laborers were among middle class and only one parent had to work to provide for the family. He contributes this to the chaos that was created after the war in Europe and Japan countries in which all their major industries were demolished, leaving the US to emerge as the only large industrialized nation. This notion is correct, although US supremacy goes back to the time of the war when the US converted all its manufacturing to arm manufacturing factories, in order to sell military hardware to allies, while European countries were destroying each other’s industries. If the nature of Capitalism was under the microscope, we would be briefed on the imperialistic competition in dominating nations with raw materials. Furthermore, we would be explained that US began its imperialistic wars shortly after its independence, which has been documented in detail in the book ‘Overthrow’ by ‘Stephen Kinzer’. The reason that capitalism has recently reached a dead end is inherit in its nature. In the past, wars, consumerism, stock market, credit card and loans (in another words buying on credit), interest rates, and many other tools open to the government revamped the system. Now it has already reached its outmost competitive point and surpassed it by stepping into the highest stage, cartels, trusts, and monopolies. Michael Moore has made a point however of the class warfare that is the result of government being controlled by corporations, since Ronald Reagan. Corruption can be traced from election process to the abuse of power by officials, and the love affair between corporate power and government. He examines the plans FDR had in his last year in office in order to make jobs, education, health, and housing as people’s minimum rights, to be guaranteed by the government. Michael Moore continues how European countries and Japan picked up on some FDR’s social agenda after the war, and how American government in its height of power ignored them. He interviews some of the people that he is targeting who in fact believe in the present system and honestly defend the system, such as the ‘Condo Vultures’ and the person from Wall Street who did not believe in democracy. Comparison can be made between these people and those government officials who have the same belief system, but pretend to be for the people at large. There are some optimistic points in the movie as well, when we see companies that are operated with the spirit of cooperation, and profits are shared equally among workers. This movie is not as strong as Michael Moore’s other movies which had a definite subject to be investigated, however it is a must see movie.
The movie starts with a warning from an old clip that ‘the content may not be suitable for people with weak heart’. This style of humor continues throughout the movie, that is necessary after watching people’s calamities with insurance, jobs, salaries and housing. While we are reading the titles, some clips of bank robberies are played in the background. This sets up the genre of the movie which is about robbery. The bank robbery we witness is explained in reverse through the rest of the movie, meaning that the robbers are banks and large corporations and especially those who received bail out mondy, and the banks being robbed in the clips are American people. Some statistics are flashed at the beginning which indicates what the rest of the movie will be about. The rise and fall of Roman Empire is compared with today America. This is the only part of the movie that goes further than capitalism, and into imperialism. It reminds us of the book by David Mason titled: ‘The End of American Century’ where he discusses the rise and fall of US imperialism. Homes being foreclosed by banks, corporations cashing on the life insurance of their deceased employees, businesses closing and leaving their employees jobless, salary reduction (in the case of airline pilots) are themes of the movie. Wall Street, hobnob of capitalism, is investigated and their scams in making more money, such as derivatives, are discussed. We also see stock market being changed into a betting scheme like a casino game, introducing new gimmicks in guessing stock fluctuations in order to make more money. Michael Moore’s comic routine of trying to interview people in power who refuse to talk to him, citizen arrest, bringing money bags to banks to get people’s money back, and enclosing financial institutions with the “scene of the crime” tape derails his serious and thoughtful points from an investigative reporting to an entertaining show. Throughout the movie, the idea that rich is getting richer and poor is getting poorer and the widening gap and disparity between the rich and the poor is portrayed. Government institutions elected by people, such as congress, are also approached, and willing representatives are interviewed. The verdict is that our elected officials are either corrupted and bought out by big corporations, or they are a part of the dealing and wheeling with those government officials who represent large corporations and wealthy individuals. Of course in congress, like other government institutions, there is also a minimized, outcaste, and disabled minority. The movie shows clips of some demonstrations against financial institutions and the bail out, people’s resistance to leave the house they are evicted from, and closed down factory employees sit in. The final message of ‘Capitalism: a love story’ is for people to rise up to get their houses, jobs, and investments back.
The case that Michael Moore is making is not examining all the ills of capitalism as a political and economic system, but what it does to people when capitalism is unleashed and unregulated. He starts with a home made video clip of half a dozen police cars driving and forcefully entering a house by breaking the lock, with an order from the bank to evict residence of that house. The law is on the side of the capitalist system. This theme continues throughout the movie showing large businesses buying government officials directly, or through contributions (to Obama’s election campaign for instance). The movie does not show problems with a capitalist system, but a corrupted capitalist government. It also shows the good old days of the previous generation when laborers were among middle class and only one parent had to work to provide for the family. He contributes this to the chaos that was created after the war in Europe and Japan countries in which all their major industries were demolished, leaving the US to emerge as the only large industrialized nation. This notion is correct, although US supremacy goes back to the time of the war when the US converted all its manufacturing to arm manufacturing factories, in order to sell military hardware to allies, while European countries were destroying each other’s industries. If the nature of Capitalism was under the microscope, we would be briefed on the imperialistic competition in dominating nations with raw materials. Furthermore, we would be explained that US began its imperialistic wars shortly after its independence, which has been documented in detail in the book ‘Overthrow’ by ‘Stephen Kinzer’. The reason that capitalism has recently reached a dead end is inherit in its nature. In the past, wars, consumerism, stock market, credit card and loans (in another words buying on credit), interest rates, and many other tools open to the government revamped the system. Now it has already reached its outmost competitive point and surpassed it by stepping into the highest stage, cartels, trusts, and monopolies. Michael Moore has made a point however of the class warfare that is the result of government being controlled by corporations, since Ronald Reagan. Corruption can be traced from election process to the abuse of power by officials, and the love affair between corporate power and government. He examines the plans FDR had in his last year in office in order to make jobs, education, health, and housing as people’s minimum rights, to be guaranteed by the government. Michael Moore continues how European countries and Japan picked up on some FDR’s social agenda after the war, and how American government in its height of power ignored them. He interviews some of the people that he is targeting who in fact believe in the present system and honestly defend the system, such as the ‘Condo Vultures’ and the person from Wall Street who did not believe in democracy. Comparison can be made between these people and those government officials who have the same belief system, but pretend to be for the people at large. There are some optimistic points in the movie as well, when we see companies that are operated with the spirit of cooperation, and profits are shared equally among workers. This movie is not as strong as Michael Moore’s other movies which had a definite subject to be investigated, however it is a must see movie.
نقد فیلم
بعد از یک ماه که فیلم بر پردهٔ سینما است، بالاخره موفق شدم که فیلم "سرمایه داری: یک داستان عشقی" را ببینم. راجع به این فیلم خیلی شنیده بودم. این فیلم هم مثال بقیه فیلمهای مایکل مور خیلی بحث بر انگیز است. نزدیک به پایان فیلم، انتخابات پارسال که به انتخاب اوباما منتهی شد نمایش داده میشود. بنابر این، اگر ما فرض کنیم اوباما (که در راس سرمایه داری جهانی است) در مرکز این بحث قرار دارد، به نظر من اشخاصی که در سمت چپ او قرار دارند این فیلم را با اشتیاق میبینند، و آنهائ که در سمت راست او قرار دارند (از جمله خودش) دیدن این فیلم را ممنوع میکنند! فیملهای مور معمولا گروه خاصی را جذب میکند، ولی این فیلم قدرت فیلمهای قبلیاش را ندارد. یک بار مایکل مور در یک مصاحبه گفت که در بعضی از فیلمهای قبلیاش بعد از چند مصاحبه برای فیلم هدفش و یا نقطه دیدش را عوض کرده است. به عنوان مثال در فیلم `بولینگ برای کلمباین` در اواسط فیلم برداری مجبور شد بعضی نتیجه گیریهای در سناریو را تغییر دهد. به نظر میرسد که در فیلم `سرمای داری: یک داستان عشقی` او مجبور بود که مسیر اصلی فیلم را چند بار عوض کند. معلوم نیست که آیا او سرمایه داری را مورد تحقیق قرار میدهد یا این که کسانی را که در خدمت این سیستم هستند انتقاد میکند. هر چه باشد به نظر نمیرسد که عنوان این فیلم مناسب باشد
فیلم با یک هشدار شروع میشود که این فیلم ممکن است برای کسانی که قلب ضعیف دارند بد باشد. این نوع طنز تا انتهای فیم ادامه دارد که به دلیل ناملایمات غم انگیزی که بعدا نشان میدهد شاید این طنز لازم باشد. در حالی که تیتراژ در حال پخش است، در پشت تیتراژ چند نمونه از سرقت بانکها نشان داده میشود. این سوژه فیلم را مشخص میکند که در مورد دزدی است. اما دزدی که در طول فیلم نشان میدهد بر عکس این است، به این معنا که دزدان در حقیقت بانکها، شرکتهای بزرگ (بخصوص آنها که از دولت کمک گرفتند) هستند، و بانکهای که بسرقت رفتهاند در حقیقت مردم آمریکا هستند. آمارهای مختلف نشان داده میشود که در طول فیلم به آنها میپردازد. بعد ظهور و سقوط امپراتوری روم نشان داده میشود که در مقایسه با آمریکا است. این تنها زمانی است که فیلم از سرمایداری پا را فراتر گذاشته و به امپریالیسم اشاره میکند. این صحنه کتاب `پا یان قرن آمریکا' نوشته دیوید میسن را به یاد میاورد. تمهای اصلی فیلم خانههای تصاحب شده توسط بانکها، بیکاری، حقوق کم، دریافت بیمه عمر کارمندان توسط شرکتها، و ورشکستگی تجار میباشد. وال استریت، مرکز سرمایه داری، و کلاشی آنها بررسی شده است. به این هم اشاره شده که ادارهٔ سهام مثل کازینو رفتار میکند. شوخیهای مایکل مور مثل درخواست مصاحبه با کسانی که حاضر به صحبت با او نیستند، دستگیری مدنی، بردن کیسه پول به بانکها برای پس گرفتن پول مردم، نوار زرد دور بانکها بستن به عنوان صحنه جنایت، بحث جدی فیلم را به طنز و سرگرمی تبدیل میکند. در تمام فیلم شکاف بیشتر بین دارا و ندار نشان داده میشود. با افرادی که با سازمانهای دولتی کار میکنند مثل نمایندگان کنگره مصاحبه میشود. نتیجه گیری این است که کارکنان دولتی یا برای شرکتهای بزرگ کار میکنند، یا با کسانی که برگزیده این موسسات هستند ساخت و پاخت دارند. البته یک اقلیت که کاری از آنها بر نمیآید هم وجود دارند. پیغام پایانی فیلم به مردم این است که برخیزند و کار، خانه، و سرمایه از دست رفتهشانرا پس بگیرند
موضوعی که مایکل مور مطرح میکند اشکالات سیاسی یا اقتصادی سرمایداری نیست، بلکه ضایعاتی که یک سرمایداری افسار گسیخته ایجاد میکند. فیلم با یورش چند ماشین پلیس به خانهای که به دستور بانک باید تخلیه شود آغاز میگردد. قانون در اختیار سیستم سرمایداری است. حمایت ماموران دولتی از شرکتهای بزرگ، کمک مالی به کاندید ریاست جمهوری (کمک به انتخابات اوباما)، و نمونههای دیگر تحت نفوذ شرکتهای خصوصی بودن ماموران دولتی گهگاهی نمایش داده میشود. فیلم فساد مالی دولت را نشان میدهد، نه اشکالات سیستم سرمایداری. همچنین سالهائی را یاد میکند که یک نفر میتوانست یک خانواده را اداره کند و کارگران از طبقه متوسط بودند. دلیل دوره رونق گذشته را این میداند که بعد از جنگ صنایع اروپا و ژاپن نابود شده بود و آمریکا آقای دنیا بود. گر چه این یک واقعیت است، ولی شکوفایئ اقتصاد آمریکا بر میگردد به زمان جنگ که آمریکا تمام صنایع خود را به اسلحه سازی برای فروش به اروپا تبدیل کرده بود. اگر سرمایداری زیر سوال بود، رقابتهای امپریااستی برای سلطه به منابع اولیه جهان مطرح میشد. هم چنین، حمله و تسلط آمریکا به سایر کشورها کمی بعد از استقلال تشریح میشد، که در کتاب استفن کینزر تحت عنوان `سرنگونی` میبینیم. دلیل اینکه سرمایداری به بن بست رسیده در خود سیستم مستتر است. در گذاشته جنگ، مصرف، بازار سهام، خرید قسطی و وام، بهره بانکی و سایر ابزاری که در دست دولت بود سیستم را کنترل میکرد. اکنون این سیستم رقابت را پشت سر گذاشته و به درجه نهایی خود یعنی کارتلها، تراستها، و انحصارات رسیده است. مور نکته جالبی را عنوان میکند و اینکه کنترل دولت توسط شرکتها از زمان ریگان، اکنون به یک جنگ طبقاتی تبدیل شده است. از پولهایی که برای انتخابات داده میشود، تا سؤ استفاده ماموران دولت از قدرت خود، تا رابطه دوستانه دولت و شرکتها رشته فساد دنبال میشود. برنامهٔ فرنکلین روزولت در سال آخرش که کار، تحصیلات، تندرستی، و محل زندگی گارانتی شده توسط دولت بود صحبت میشود. همچنین این که اروپا و ژاپن چگونه بعضی از این برنامهها را اجرا کردند ولی آمریکا در حد آعلای قدرتش این کار را نکرد. با بعضی اشخاص که هدف این فیلم هستند مایکل مور مصاحبه میکند و آنها از عقاید خود که چاپیدن فقرا و عدم اعتقاد به دموکراسی است خالصانه دفاع میکنند. میشود این مقایسه را ساخت بین این افراد و کارمندان انتخابی دولت که همین عقاید را دارند ولی تظاهر به حمایت از مردم میکنند. قسمتهای امیدوارکننده هم در این فیلم هستند، مثل شرکتهایی که با همکاری و همفکری همه کار میکنند و سود آنها بین همه به تساوی تقسیم میشود. این فیلم قدرت فیلمهای قبلی مایکل مور را ندارد، ولی صد در صد دیدنی است
Saturday, October 31, 2009
انسان میتواند انتزاعی فکر کند ولی حیوانات نمیتوانند. نقاشیهائی روی دیوار غاری در اروپا پیدا شدند که به دوران پاره سنگی
مربوط میشود. ذهن خلاق نقاش در این اثار هویدا است. اختراع با تصویری در ذهن بطور تجریدی آغاز میشود. این احتمالا تنه فرق بین بشر و حیوان است. تا آنجایی که مربوط به هوش است، ما میتوانیم با توجه به درجه و روش استفاده از هوش بین انسان و حیوان فرق بگذاریم. هوش با تجربه گذشته و طرح ریزی برای آینده اندازه گیری میشود. زمانی که یک ببر حالتی به اندامش میدهد که قصد حمله دارد (بر افروختن عضلات و چنگ زدن به زمین و خروش به رقیب) با توجه به تجربههایی که دارد قدم بعدی را طرح ریزی میکند. او حدس میزند که ببر رقیب حمله خواهد کرد و برای اینکه از حمله او جلوگیری کند خودش را با این حالت قوی تر نشان میدهد. شاید بگوییم که این یک غریزه است. اگر غریزه است بر اساس نسلها تجربه بدست آماده است. وقتی که حدس میزنیم که رودخانه ممکن است طغیان کند و سد را بشکند، با کیسههای شن سد را محکم میکنیم. نگرش به آینده بر اساس تجربیات گذشته است. در این صورت آگاهی تاریخی لازم است. آنها که به تاریخ نگاه میکنند و اندیشه خود را تنظیم میکنند و برای آینده برنامه ریزی میکنند با خردتر هستند. برای پیشرفت این سه قدم لازم است. به دلیل سالها تجربه و استفاده از این تجربه با ثبت و بهره گیری از تجربه و دانش جدید بشریت از وحوش جلوتر افتاده است. اگر ما به این نکته بیندیشیم که هر کدام از ما نتیجه یک حادثه هستیم، یعنی که در زمان نطفه سازی عوامل زیادی به ما کمک کردند، پی خواهیم برد که چقدر خوش شانس بوده ایم که زندگی به ما هدیه شده است تا در جهانی که خود به همین صورت ساخته شده است زندگی کنیم. در هر قدم رشد ما خیلی از عوامل (مثل بیماری) را پشت سر گذاشتیم تا بدین جا برسیم. در مقابل، در زمان نطفه سازی ملیونها نطفه نتوانستند زندگی را تجربه کنند. در حیطه تاریخ تکامل، بسیاری پروسههای دیگر ممکن است به ثمر نرسیده باشند، که میتوانیم آنرا شانس یا احتمالات بنامیم. با این علم، ما میتوانیم نسل خود را با کمک به یک دیگر پیش ببریم (همچنین با گوشه چشمی به محیط زیست و سایر موجودات؛ حد اقل برای ادامهٔ حیات خود)، بجای گسترش جنگ که اکنون در اکثر نقاط دنیا در جریان است. چقدر این جنگها به بقأ ما لطمه میزنند موضوع بحث دیگریست
We have heard of many definitions as to what makes human being different from animals. The oldest definition was that people could think and animals did everything based on their instinct or genetic reactions. This is proven to be a wrong distinction since it is evident that animals go through a thinking process as people do. This does not need any proof or discussion as archives of National Geography or other mediums show this fact clearly. Chimps are closest animals to human in intelligence, followed by dolphins and parrots. There are many documented records as to some animals’ understanding of human language. Another differentiation made is that humans have emotions and can comprehend and evaluate their feelings, but animals’ emotions are again based on their natural instinct. Observing animal kingdom and the way they live in a family or herd, the affection they give each other is very much comparable to human feelings, compassion, and altruism. The famous clip of the wild cat killing the mother monkey and tending to her baby (whom the cat discovered after killing the mother) has been viewed by millions. Other differentiations such as “man is a talking animal” or “humans use tools” have been proven to be false. Checking all the definitions, from religious point of view (human beings are different from animals because of their soul and spirituality), to the way human and beasts cope with each other and with nature (animals’ protection of family members and their use of shelter and tools) we realize that it is difficult to make a clear cut, distinctive, and at the same time comprehensive distinction between man and animal. In another words, it makes it very hard to draw a line that absolutely separates human from animals. Some of the human finger prints or characteristics can be traced in some animals. Some animals have characteristics that are unique to them as well; such as flying, cute vision or sensitive hearing, camouflaging, communicating through waves, and hundreds of other examples that make animals superior to human. As our branched out ancestors and great grand cousins separated from us and left in the wild for thousand of years, animals have the instinct and the intuition necessary for their survival, which we are lacking. According to the “survival of the fittest” theory, animals have to protect themselves in their environment against nature and predators, so they develop such characteristics to help them survive. At the same time, they are missing some of our abilities that we have excelled throughout ages. We are however, always astonished by the similarities. There are animals that behave so similar to us in some respects, that make us amazed. The similarities between chimps and human, the intelligence of marine mammals such as Wales, the affection of household pets, are all stories we have seen and heard over and over. We witness such advanced knowledge, thinking, and intuition in some species that makes us astounded. What Darwin witnessed in Galapagos Islands is the best guide to study evolutionary supremacy of all creatures and their abilities in coping with their environment, recorded in his remarkable work “The Origin of Species”.
We humans can think abstract, and this has not been witnessed in animals yet. There are some drawings on the cave walls belonging to early human times that reflect creative mind of the artist. All our innovations stem from a picture made in the mind, an imagination. This may be the only distinction between human and animal. However, as far as the intelligence is concerned, we may make the distinction between human and animals by the rate of the intelligence and the method our thoughts are progressed. What measures intelligence is the way an individual remembers the past and speculates future. When a tiger moves in a posture that makes him look as if he is attacking (tightening his shoulders muscles and scratching the ground with his paws and snarling at a rival tiger) he is making future plans based on his experience. He foresees that the other tiger is about to attack. In order to prevent the other tiger from attacking, he shapes his body in a posture to appear more powerful than the other beast in order to scare him away. We could say it to be an instinct. If it is an instinct, it is based on many years of experience in an evolutionary process. When we sand bag a riverbank, we are predicting that the river would rise and therefore, we try to prevent the water from destroying the embankment. The vision of future is actually based on the past experience. Therefore, knowledge of history is a precursor to a good vision. More intelligent species are the ones who can learn from the past by reviewing the history, and organizing ideas in order to plan the future. These three steps are essential for advancement. Human is superior to animals because of the millions of years of evolutionary process in acquiring vast amount of knowledge, some of which are recorded and accessible, and applying that knowledge in order to satisfy his/er curiosity of who s/he is. If we perceive that each one of us is as a result of an accident, meaning that in the time of the conception many factors helped us, we will realize how lucky we are to have this gift of life which enables us to experience a world that is phenomenally conceived like us. In every step of growing, many preventing factors (such as diseases) were not present in order for us to grow. On the other hand, in the case of human conception, many billions of sperms are not lucky and they do not make it into life. In the case of human evolution, there may have been many other instances of the evolution of living things (such as us earthlings!) processes that was not conceived, which we may call randomness or lack of luck, among other factors. With this knowledge, we may excel our specie by inventing and creating ways to assist and advance each other (environment and other species as well; at least for the sake of self preservation), instead of destroying one another through wars, the calamity we are expanding all over the world today. How much this attitude of war and hurting others hinders our survival, is a different subject!
We humans can think abstract, and this has not been witnessed in animals yet. There are some drawings on the cave walls belonging to early human times that reflect creative mind of the artist. All our innovations stem from a picture made in the mind, an imagination. This may be the only distinction between human and animal. However, as far as the intelligence is concerned, we may make the distinction between human and animals by the rate of the intelligence and the method our thoughts are progressed. What measures intelligence is the way an individual remembers the past and speculates future. When a tiger moves in a posture that makes him look as if he is attacking (tightening his shoulders muscles and scratching the ground with his paws and snarling at a rival tiger) he is making future plans based on his experience. He foresees that the other tiger is about to attack. In order to prevent the other tiger from attacking, he shapes his body in a posture to appear more powerful than the other beast in order to scare him away. We could say it to be an instinct. If it is an instinct, it is based on many years of experience in an evolutionary process. When we sand bag a riverbank, we are predicting that the river would rise and therefore, we try to prevent the water from destroying the embankment. The vision of future is actually based on the past experience. Therefore, knowledge of history is a precursor to a good vision. More intelligent species are the ones who can learn from the past by reviewing the history, and organizing ideas in order to plan the future. These three steps are essential for advancement. Human is superior to animals because of the millions of years of evolutionary process in acquiring vast amount of knowledge, some of which are recorded and accessible, and applying that knowledge in order to satisfy his/er curiosity of who s/he is. If we perceive that each one of us is as a result of an accident, meaning that in the time of the conception many factors helped us, we will realize how lucky we are to have this gift of life which enables us to experience a world that is phenomenally conceived like us. In every step of growing, many preventing factors (such as diseases) were not present in order for us to grow. On the other hand, in the case of human conception, many billions of sperms are not lucky and they do not make it into life. In the case of human evolution, there may have been many other instances of the evolution of living things (such as us earthlings!) processes that was not conceived, which we may call randomness or lack of luck, among other factors. With this knowledge, we may excel our specie by inventing and creating ways to assist and advance each other (environment and other species as well; at least for the sake of self preservation), instead of destroying one another through wars, the calamity we are expanding all over the world today. How much this attitude of war and hurting others hinders our survival, is a different subject!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
آیا باید هالووین را جشن بگیریم؟

در جشن هالووین مردم لباسهای بالماسکه میپوشند، از کدو اسکلت میسازند و به یک دیگر شیرینی میدهند. تاریخ پیدایش هالووین را میتوانید در همین وبلاگ ببینید. فرهنگ وبستر هالووین را چنین تعریف کرده است: "۳۱ اکتبر شب همه قدیسین: بخصوص بچهها آنرا با بازی شگرد یا جایزه و با لباس بالماسکه جشن میگیرند. " نماینده هالووین کدو تنبل است که آنرا به شکل سر اسکلت درست میکنند و داخل آن شمع روشن میکنند. خانهها را معمولاً برای هالووین آرایش میکنند و جلوی در یا پشت پنجره چند کدو میگذارند. بچهها در این روز شیرینی جمع میکنند. ترسیدن و ترساندن از نمادهای این روز است. مردم ابتکار خود را با لباسهای مختلفی که میپوشند که اغلب جنبه ترسناک دارد نشان میدهند. در بعضی از اماکن عمومی مثل مدرسهها اتاقهای را به نحو وحشتناک دکور میکنند به اسم خانه وحشت که بچهها در شب از آن بازدید میکنند. مغازها هم دکوراسیون میشوند و کدو و گاهی شیرینی برای استفادهٔ مردم میگذارند. بچهها در شب به لباسهای بالماسکه هالووین به خانه همسایهها میروند و درخواست شیرینی و خوراکی میکنند. اگر شیرینی نگیرند یا کسی در را باز نکند، مطابق رسم باید به در یک تخم مرغ گندیده پرتاب کنند. البته کسی معمولاً این کار را نمیکند. بزرگترها در این شب به جشن بالماسکه میروند.
مهاجرینی که در کشور اصلی هالووین نداشتند با این تعارض روبرو هستند که چگونه با این روز رفتار کنند. این مشکل در مورد تمام جشنهای ملی و مذهبی و فرهنگی وجود دارد. اگر بچههایشان متولد کشور دوم باشند احتمال اینکه جشن بگیرند بیشتر است. در کشورهای که ملیتهای مختلف زندگی میکنند، مثل آمریکا، این مسئله بیشتر عمومیت دارد. علاوه بر جشنهای مذهبی که البته باز هم عمومیت پیدا میکنند (مثل کریسمس) این سوال پیش میاید که آیا باید این مراسم را جشن گرفت؟ جواب البته مثبت است صرفا به این دلیل که شرکت در هر جشن و شادی خوب است. اما دلایل بیشتر و مهمتری وجود دارند. شرکت در جشنهای ملی، فرهنگی، و حتا مذهبی دیگران روحیه فرا ملیتی را تقویت و وحدت کلی به وجود میاورد. اگر به تاریخچه این جشنها بخصوص جشنهای فصلی نگاه کنیم، مشاهده میکنیم که آنها یک ریشه دارند. البته شرکت در جشنهای شاد و نشاط بر انگیز مورد بحث ماست. متاسفانه امروزه این جشنها دلیلی برای فروش کالا شده اند و هدف اصلی خود را فراموش کرده اند. باید مواظب باشیم که روحیه این جشنها را نگاه داریم.
هالووین تان مبارک باشد
Friday, October 23, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
پایان امپراتوری
برایان لپینگ در سال ۱۹۸۵ کتابی نوشت تحت عنوان "پایان امپراتوری". در این کتاب راجع به پیشرفتهای انگلیس در تحت سلطه گرفتن کشورهای دیگر از طریق قدرت نظامی، حقههای سیاسی، و رشوه به عمال سیاسی میپردازد. این تحت سلطه گرفتنها میتوانست بطور مستقیم مثل هند، یا بطور غیر مستقیم مثل ایران باشد. هر فصل این کتاب به کشوری پرداخته است: هند، فلسطین، مالی، ایران، مصر، عدن، قبرس، ساحل عاج، کنیا، ردزیا. کشوهای که از دور کنترل میشدند یا با شرکت استعمار گران دیگر تحت استعمار قرار میگرفتند یا کشورهای که به قطعات تقسیم شده اند مثل آمریکا و قسطنطنیه. بعد از اینکه چگونه این کشورها تحت سلطه قرار گرفتند، در مورد از میان رفتن قدرت هژمونی انگلیس توضیح میدهد. کتاب دلایل مختلفی که امپریالیست انگلیس افول و امپریالیست آمریکا نزول میکند را شرح میدهد.اگر تاریخ تکرار میشود این تکرار دقیقا مثل دفعه اول نخواهد بود و بسته به تغییرات سیاسی، اجتماعی، اقتصادی، و بافت جامعه تغییر خواهد کرد. ما شاهد افول آمریکا به عنوان یک قدرت جهانی هستیم، به همان ترتیب که سایر ابر قدرتها افول کردند، ولی نه به همان شکل
قرن ۲۱ با رهبری دو قطب راست گرا در شرق و غرب شروع شد. راستترین جناح مسیحیت در آمریکا، انگلیس، و بعضی کشورهای پیشرفته دیگر به قدرت رسیدند. در حهت دیگر، اسلام نظامی که طی قرنها توسط همین کشورها توسعه یافته بود، به مبارزه با آنها پرداخت. بعد از حمله اسلامیهای نظامی به آمریکا، محافظه کاران فرصت طلائی خود را به دست آوردند که به عراق و افغانستان حمله کنند، و با این کارشان سر آغاز قرن بیست و یکم را تیره کنند. گرچه حمله به افغانستان و عراق برای مردم این کشورها ضایعه آور بود، به کشورهای آمریکایی جنوبی قدرت نفس کشیدن داد. در زمانیکه برادر بزرگ پایش در آن دو کشور گیر کرده بود، کشورهای چون نیکاراگوا، ونزولا، بولیوی، هندوراس، و سایر کشورهای همسایه فرصتی یافتند که رایحهٔ دموکراسی را برای اولین بار، یا اولین بار بعد از مدت زیادی تحت سلطه بودن، تنفس کنند. قدرت نظامی نشان دادن یک ابر قدرت چیز جدیدی نیست، ولی برای مدت زیادی در گیر بودن از نظر مالی و روحی به ابر قدرت لطمه میزند. در انتخابات ۲۰۰۸ آمریکا، عدم علاقه مردم به ادامهٔ جنگ در عراق کاملا روشن بود، که اخیرا در مورد افغانستان این جو مشاهده میشود. وخیم بودن وضعیت اقتصادی نیز این عدم علاقه را در مردم تشدید میکند
دین بیکر در کتاب خود "غارت و اشتباه" به این اشاره میکند که مسئولین به اشتباه این اقتصاد حبابی را به وجود آورده بودند که نتیجهٔ سیاستهای غلط آنها بود. اینکه چه کار دیگری غیر از به وجود آوردن یک اقتصاد حبابی میتوانستند بکنند بحث دیگری است، ولی این نکته دین بیکر که این اشتباه "باعث رنج بسیاری برای سالهای زیادی خواهد شد" هر چقدر برای کسانی که در آمریکا زندگی میکنند شنیدنش سخت است، ولی واقعیتی قابل انکار است. از نوشتههای وی به نظر میرسد که او عقیده دارد که در آینده اقتصاد آمریکا بهبود خواهد یافت. شاید این مساله که حباب به عنوان تنها راه چاره ایجاد شده بود فراموش شده باشد. حبابها به این دلیل ترکیدند که دیگر راه علاج دیگری به فکر مسئولین نرسیده بود! اگر این فرضیه درست باشد و دیگر نتوان راهی برای بهبود اقتصاد سرمایداری پیدا کرد، ما شاهد سقوط یک امپریالیست دیگر هستیم. این فرضیه را دیوید میسن در کتابش "پایان قرن آمریکا" شکافته است. او بطور خلاصه نفوذ آمریکا را در سایر کشورهای تحت نفوذ شرح میدهد که حمله به عراق آخرین تجاوز آمریکا خواهد بود. تاریخ نشان میدهد که همیشه یک حملهٔ نهایی و تعیین کننده به سلطه امپریالیست پایان میدهد. این و سایر دلایلی که در این کتاب مطرح شده اند، مثل اختلاف زیاد بین دارا و ندار، سقوط اقتصادی، بیکاری، افزایش جرایم، و سایر دلیل باعث پائین آمدن این ابر قدرت میشوند. ولی در نهایت پرسش این است که: آیا دنیا به یک یا چند ابر قدرت که همیشه در صحنه باشند احتیاج دارد، و یا توازن بین همه کشورها بیشتر به نفع بشریت است؟
End of Empire
In 1985, Brian Lapping wrote a book titled “End of Empire”. It described in detail major accomplishments of The Great Britain in taking over countries by force, deceit, or bribing local officials. This included blatant and physical take over, such as in India, or staying on the background and empowering and supporting anglophile powers on the land, such as in Iran. Each chapter of the book is dedicated to a country: India, Palestine, Malaya, Iran, Egypt, Aden, Cyprus, Gold Coast, Kenya, Rhodesia. What are missing from this list are places controlled from distant or along with other super powers in a classic colonial setting, or countries divided to smaller territories in order to have a better control, such as the New World and Mesopotamia. After describing each intervention and the general reason for the British hegemony, it explains how the colony or benefits in each country was lost. The book details variety of reasons for the demise of the British Empire and rise of the US Empire. If the history repeats itself, it never does it in the exact fashion as it did the first time, due to constant changes in political, social, economical, and fabric of each society. We are witnessing the fall of the US Empire for the same reasons British or other world powers failed, but in a different fashion.
21st century began with the leaderships of the ultra right in many regions of the world. The most conservative factions of Christianity ruled US, England, and some other so called progressive societies. On the other hand, militarist Islam that had been promoted by the same world powers for centuries, rose to challenge imperialist agenda of their benefactors in language and in action. An attack on US land by the Islamic reactionary gave an excuse to the neo conservatives and right wing opportunists headed by the US to demolish Afghanistan and Iraq, tarnishing the dawn of the 21st century. Military intervention of Iraq and Afghanistan, however disastrous for those living in these two countries, has been a blessing for Southern American countries. Since big brother was busy across the world, countries such as Nicaragua, Venezuela, Bolivia, Honduras, and other neighboring countries had a chance to elect their own representatives and breathe the fresh of the air of democracy for the first time, or for the first time after decades of being subjugated by their northern neighbor. A superpower showing muscle is nothing new; however a lengthy involvement will tax the aggressor in monetary and psychological forms. Apathy for continued involvement in Iraq was noticed in presidential election of 2008, and it is resurfacing in the case of Afghanistan nowadays. It also helps the resentment when the financial economy of the US is in despair.
In his book, Plunder and Blunder, Dean Baker argues that the bubble economy was manufactured by bad policy making of those in charge, and bubbles could be prevented if wiser policies were made. It is a different discussion what policy should have been adopted instead of creating and helping housing and financial bubbles, but his point that the current economy “will cause enormous pain for years to come” does not sound very comforting for those who live in the US, however true it sounds. It seems from his writings that Dean Baker believes that after years of slump the economy will go back to its former condition. This may ignore the fact that bubbles were created as a last resort to keep the economy from falling and as a temporary measure until a new idea was thought of. Bubbles burst because there was no other new idea! If this theory is right and there will not be another patch to put together capitalist mishaps, then this is the end of another imperialist era. This theory is discussed along with historical facts by David Mason in his book “The end of the American century”. It briefly mentions all American interventions in other countries and makes a point that those interventions will not happen again and Iraq was the last case. As the history shows, there is always one last military intervention that finishes the imperialist. This coupled with many other factors mentioned in this book, such as huge disparity between rich and poor in the US, economical melt down, unemployment, crime rise, and other factors in the book will end the dominance of the US in the world stage. David Mason has predictions for the next superpower replacing the US. However, the question is: does the world need to always have one or more superpowers, or all countries being equally powerful serves the humanity better?
Monday, October 19, 2009
زندگینامه محمد ابن جریر طبری
محمد بن جریر طبری در سال ۸۳۹ در آمل به دنیا آمد. از کودکی حافظ ای قوی داشت و در ۸ سالگی قرآن را از حفظ بود. بعد از تحصیلات مقدماتی برای ادامهٔ تحصیل به ری رفت و در کلاس الرازی به یادگیری حدیث پرداخت، و میگویند که ۱۰۰،۰۰۰ حدیث از بر داشت. ابن حمدان که ادعا میکرد کسی بیشتر از او حدیث نمیدانست با طبری به مقابله پرداخت و قبول کرد که طبری از او در این موضوع دانش بیشتری دارد. در سال ۸۵۵ طبری تصمیم گرفت که برای نشستن در مجالس شیوخ عرب به بغداد برود. در راه بغداد به ساوه و همدان رفت و در سن ۳۰ سالگی در بغداد شهرتش همه جا پیچید. اگر چه زیاد سفر نمیکرد ولی برای یاد گیری مسائل علمی مانند نجوم و هیأت و طب و مسائل مذهبی سفرهایی به بصره و کوفه و سوریه و مصر کرد. با برنامه ریزی منظمی شاگردانش را به بررسی فرستاد و در نتیجه توانست تفسیر قرآن را در ۳۰ جلد بنویسد و بدین ترتیب تبحّر او در مسائل قرآن زبانزد خاص و عام شد. مشهور است که برای نوشتن تفسیر قرآن در فرصت کوتاه شبانه روزی خود، هر شب ۴۰ صفحه مینوشت. در سن ۶۵ سالگی سفری به زادگاهش آمل کرد و از طریق کرمانشاه به دین آور رفت تا با یکی از شیوخ ملاقات کند که در این امر موفق نشد. سفرش به آمل ۴ ماه طول کشید و در بازگشت تصمیم به نوشتن تاریخ ایران و جهان اسلام، با همان برنامه ریزی و تکلیف به شاگردانش برای تحقیق، کرد که از آغاز خلقت آنچه را که در اثر تحقیق به دست آورده بود تا سال ۹۱۵ میلادی در تاریخ گستردهٔ خود که امروز در ۳۹ جلد منتشر میشود ثبت کرد. در سال ۹۲۳ میلادی در ۱۵ فوریه در سن ۵-۸۴ سالگی وفات یافت
History of Halloween

Halloween's origins date back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced sow-in).
The Celts, who lived 2,000 years ago in the area that is now Ireland, the United Kingdom, and northern France, celebrated their new year on November 1. This day marked the end of summer and the harvest and the beginning of the dark, cold winter, a time of year that was often associated with human death. Celts believed that on the night before the New Year, the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred. On the night of October 31, they celebrated Samhain, when it was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth. In addition to causing trouble and damaging crops, Celts thought that the presence of the otherworldly spirits made it easier for the Druids, or Celtic priests, to make predictions about the future. For a people entirely dependent on the volatile natural world, these prophecies were an important source of comfort and direction during the long, dark winter.
To commemorate the event, Druids built huge sacred bonfires, where the people gathered to burn crops and animals as sacrifices to the Celtic deities.
During the celebration, the Celts wore costumes, typically consisting of animal heads and skins, and attempted to tell each other's fortunes. When the celebration was over, they re-lit their hearth fires, which they had extinguished earlier that evening, from the sacred bonfire to help protect them during the coming winter.
By A.D. 43, Romans had conquered the majority of Celtic territory. In the course of the four hundred years that they ruled the Celtic lands, two festivals of Roman origin were combined with the traditional Celtic celebration of Samhain.
The first was Feralia, a day in late October when the Romans traditionally commemorated the passing of the dead. The second was a day to honor Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruit and trees. The symbol of Pomona is the apple and the incorporation of this celebration into Samhain probably explains the tradition of "bobbing" for apples that is practiced today on Halloween.
By the 800s, the influence of Christianity had spread into Celtic lands. In the seventh century, Pope Boniface IV designated November 1 All Saints' Day, a time to honor saints and martyrs. It is widely believed today that the pope was attempting to replace the Celtic festival of the dead with a related, but church-sanctioned holiday. The celebration was also called All-hallows or All-hallowmas (from Middle English Alholowmesse meaning All Saints' Day) and the night before it, the night of Samhain, began to be called All-hallows Eve and, eventually, Halloween. Even later, in A.D. 1000, the church would make November 2 All Souls' Day, a day to honor the dead. It was celebrated similarly to Samhain, with big bonfires, parades, and dressing up in costumes as saints, angels, and devils. Together, the three celebrations, the eve of All Saints', All Saints', and All Souls', were called Hallowmas.
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